Sunday, January 28, 2018

Late Onset Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Hello loyal readers. You're probably trying to read and pronounce the title of my article. It is also known as non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia. But for the sake of our brains, let's just shorten it to "CAH". In the middle of January, I got a call saying that I had a mutation in one of my genes that caused me to develop CAH.

Let me back track a little before I explain further.

I have always felt very masculine. I had hair on my armpits at an early age. I started waxing my lip in 7th grade. I had to use extra strength mens deodorant because women's deodorant wasn't strong enough. I have a wide build and broad shoulders that cause me to feel uncomfortable and less feminine in certain clothing. I've always been randomly strong in my arms even though I do nothing to make the muscles stronger.
I recently went to my gynecologist because I had begun to grow hair on my chest a couple months ago. Not just a few stragglers. It was a lot. To the point where I would shave my chest because I was embarrassed. I was always reassured that no one can see the hair but I could see it. And I can feel it. And it was everywhere. My gynecologist told me to come in the next day for a blood test but she didn't think I had a testosterone problem. So I came in the next morning and they took two vials of blood.

I waited about 10 days and the office still hadn't called with my test results. I was getting kind of nervous so I called them and they told me my testosterone levels were fine but my doctor wanted to talk to me about an irregularity that was found. She wasn't available at the time so she called me the next day.

It was a 4 minute phone conversation. (she is a VERY busy woman) She told me I had a mutation in one of my genes and I had something called late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). It was something I was born with but it developed over the years. My adrenal gland doesn't have enough enzyme to produce enough hormone. That's all I really know about it. Like I said, I've had it all my life but it's just popping up now.

But that's actually not true. It's not just showing up now. This is the answer to literally every problem I have ever had with my body. My mom and I were on FaceTime together looking at symptoms of this mutation to see what other problems can be explained by this.

Essentially, this mutation is the reason I started growing hair all over my body, (yes ladies all over) in 2nd grade. This is the reason why my laser hair removal hardly worked. This mutation is why I am always sweating and feel like I wreak of B.O. constantly. It's also why no matter what, my body stays a very similar shape. I could gain weight, I could lose weight, but my body always looks similar to before.

So what now? I'm not gonna die. I'm not gonna lose a limb. It's not like that. I could lose hair on my head though. I also could be infertile. But, that's a different conversation. For now, I will meet with an endocrinologist when I come home next month. My gynecologist said the common way to deal with this is with steroids so we shall see.

I'm writing something so personal on the web because I finally have answers. I finally have a reason why I have always felt manly. There is a reason and I am very happy about that. The only thing that bothers me is that I would've loved the answer sooner.

It's weird to look back on the things I tried to do to feel or look more feminine and ultimately feel better in my skin. None of it mattered because biologically, I couldn't. It didn't matter how many times I got waxed/lasered. It didn't matter how much perfume I put on or the countless times I tried to shave my sideburns. It didn't matter how many times I tried wearing bras and shirts that made my shoulders feel less broad and big. I physically, and biologically couldn't be more feminine.

That's all. I'm okay. I swear. Like I said, I'm not dying. It's just weird to think that there is actually something wrong.

I could go to my endocrinologist and she could be like nope that's not it. It's something else. But I guess there will be another post then.

I'm not gonna let this get me down. I technically am biologically stronger than the average girl.

(this looks like a memorial to myself I apologize)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Second Semester Sophomore

Almost half way there! How exciting?!?!

Here is an inside look at my semester:
I have 18 credits.
3 Journalism classes
1 Online media class
1 History class
1 Semester long internship for credit.

I am more busy this semester than ever before. But, I only have class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and all my days start at 12:40pm. On paper, it looks like I have a lot of free time. As a journalism student at a Big 10 university, I know that's not true.

I'm trying to make more time for myself this semester and so far so good. Also, I'm trying out new clubs involving campus media. Two weeks in and so far so good! Not too stressed but not too relaxed. The perfect balance.

I want to give you a little insight on the courses I'm taking. This is more for my mom because in all my years of life she has never known what classes I take or what I do in said classes. Let's start with the journalism courses. Like I said previously, I have three of them this semester. They are all very different and have already made me realize that I'm in the wrong major but we're gonna power through and do our best. I am taking one class that all journalism majors have to take and it is very generic. It involves me going out into the community and reporting the news. I know I'll learn a lot from it but not what I want to do with my life. One of my other classes is a law of journalism media and ethics class. That one is interesting. Thanks to Mr. Elbaum and my high school constitutional law class, this stuff interests me. Finally, my third journ class of the semester is radio and TV news. This one is cool. The other day I got to direct a fake news cast and I was the person in the back pressing buttons to switch what was on the screen. I had the time of my life.

My online media class is Media and Information 101. I was thinking about double majoring and figured I'd take this class to dip my toe in. I like it. It's interesting and it's more of an entry level course so there is not a lot of new information in it.

Something about me is that I love history. So, when my advisor said I need more higher level electives I knew I was going to add a history course to my schedule. Modern United States History. I don't particularly like U.S. history but so far so good. Taking this class was my choice and some of my friends think I'm crazy. It's a night class from 6:00pm-7:15pm and it's not technically required for my major but I find it fun and interesting!

Finally my internship. This semester I have an internship with Rostrum Records. I am a college marketing representative. Some of their artists are Wiz Khalifa, TeamMate, Mod Sun, FREEWIFI and The Bird and the Bee. You may be asking yourself, why is this girl, a journalism student who likes film and movies, have an internship with a record company? Well I'll tell you. It sounded cool. A friend of mine did it last year and I was waiting all fall semester for Rostrum to post this job. It's something I could totally do and be good at and enjoy. Music is an essential part of life and entertainment. This internship will help me with my marketing skills and people skills and other skillz that I didn't know that I didn't have. Anyway, I'm excited. And it's a RECORD COMPANY. BASED IN LOS ANGELES. HOW COOL????!!!

That's me for this semester. I mentioned that I am trying to get more involved with campus media. Tonight, there is an informational meeting for the campus magazine, which I will be attending. I just submitted my application to volunteer at the radio station. I'm continuing with HerCampus this semester. (EXCITING!!) And a friend and I are talking about making a YouTube channel. I'm still in my sorority, still doing things with Hillel, and plan on continuing going to improv meetings.

Lindsey, are you spreading yourself too thin? NO. NEVER. I know myself and I know when to slow down and get out. I'm trying these things. If I don't like them, then I'll leave. It's all about time management. It's all about doing what you love. But mostly, it's about putting some stuff on my resume and creating a portfolio.

The truth is, I don't know where I want to end up or what I want to do. I figure that trying some things out and seeing what I like would be the best way to go about it. It's a bonus that I can put this stuff on my resume to look good for potential employers. ;)

This post wasn't as fun loving as some of my other ones but it's only two weeks into the semester! Don't leave me precious readers!! Your girl will be back and more exciting in no time. :)

Please enjoy this picture of me and my sorority family at a darty that was ski themed but I unintentionally dressed as a hippie. (again)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Holy(land) Moly

Hello family, friends, and loyal readers!!

I have recently returned from my 10 day trip to Israel and wow-wee was it an adventure. For those non-Jews out there, you may be wondering how and why I spent 10 days in the Middle East. There is this amazing program called Birthright. It's a FREE 10-day trip to Israel! Why would I want to go to Israel and why would someone want to pay for me to spend a week and a half there? Simple. It's my right. I was born Jewish and should get the opportunity to grow my Jewish identity by learning more about the history of my people and immersing myself in the culture of Israeli life.

Taglit-Birthright did exactly what it set out to do. I feel changed. I feel that I have a duty to Israel. And I feel that it's necessary for me to return and root myself into the home of the Jewish people.

During the trip, the idea of family was stressed. We, as a bus, are a family. But on a wider scale, we as the Jewish community are a family. This idea made the trip even more special. I got to experience my first time in Israel with my new family.

I went on this journey through the Michigan State Hillel. The Hillel at school has an alliance with all the Hillel's in Michigan so there were kids from schools all over the mitten. Additionally, we were paired with the Hillel from the University of Cincinnati. We blended very well together. I was very fortunate to be with this group of people. If I had gone at another time, with another group, things would be VERY different for me.

I'm not going to go into detail about everything I did. I made a vlog for that. :) Also, I feel everyone should experience it for themselves. You can't live through me. Being able to walk around Israel and take it all in is something everyone should do. Regardless if you're Jewish or not, it's worth the trip.

I'm going to take my new found love for Israel ONWARD. (hopefully :)) I'll take what I've learned about being Jewish and what I've learned about myself with me into starting the new semester.  This isn't like a "new year, new me" type of thing. This is a wake up and smell the roses, carpe diem, and do what you love...type of thing.

I look forward to seeing where the semester takes me. Stay tuned for more intricately written updates on my life. :)