Tuesday, March 14, 2017

An Inside Look Into My Personal Journal

In addition to writing this blog I keep a journal. At first it was to write down my feelings and thoughts in order to not be as stressed but then I started writing little stories and lines. Like, if I thought of an interesting topic or line I can use in a story in the future, I wrote it down. So this blog post will be strictly things taken out of my personal journal and then me roasting myself. I wrote most of these when I couldn't fall asleep so I'm just curious how terrible and weird they are. I promise I'm working on other posts and stuff but I just thought I would share some of the other writing that I do in my free time. Full disclosure, for some reason I always write melancholy and depressing stories when I creatively write but I'll try and find some excerpts that aren't as terribly sad. Hope you enjoy! And if you don't then that's okay. I'm still going to keep writing even if it is crappy. Can only get better with practice!

I watched as her body turned away from him. Her hands were viciously gesturing and words were pouring out of her mouth in a constant stream to prevent an awkward silence. Her eyes were darting back and forth from the door then to him.

Okay so there is like way more to this but reading it over its not that good but whatever. Basically like a person at a restaurant was observing a couple and the guy was totally in love but the girl was not into it. I'll work on it.

There were no bubbles resting around the rim.

Seems a little intense right? I actually said this out loud to my roommate because I was talking about how my dad has me pour his beers for the can to a glass and how I can do it so there are no bubbles. I thought it sounded kind of cool and that I can use it in a story so I wrote it down. I just really liked this line. It seems stupid bit like I think of it as kind of describing a perfect person because a perfect poured glass has no bubbles. I don't know. I think it's cool.

All the tiny hairs covering my arms stood up in unison and my little bumps began to take over my legs. My head felt like a throbbing mess. Streams of anger and pain leaked from my eyes. I could feel my heart break inside me.

Whoa right? Like what happened to her. Nothing happened to me. I couldn't sleep because I was feeling stressed so I decided to turn my headache and anger with not being able to sleep into a heartbreak. Innovative, I know.

The thing about dying is that everyone thinks its so terrible. That when you die, that's it. It's over. You're done. But that's all wrong. DYING is bad. But being dead? I'm having the time of my life.

Funny? Dying is funny? No it is not funny but for whatever reason (probably because I was watching Vampire Diaries when I wrote this) I was thinking about death. But, I was thinking about after death and was like hey, what if I write about someone who is really enjoying their afterlife. And then, this little blurb was born. Lame, I know but that last line was the only reason I wrote this in the first place.

If you keep a smile on your face and a skip in your step, everything will change. Fake it until you make it a reality. Until smiling and skipping feels natural.

This was to make me feel better. But, looking at it now, it makes me feel angry. FRAGMENTS LINDSEY. ARE YOU JOKING? Whatever. I had good intentions.

1/19/17 (big jump!!)
And here I sit on a Wednesday night My covers are pulled tight over me and my thoughts are running around my brain. I hate being stuck with my thoughts. It's terrifying.

So the second part to this I tried to write it like there was a war in my mind of good thoughts and happy thoughts but it didn't really work out so here's the crappy and not descriptive first part of the war on thoughts.

If you plant your roots and just let it happen,
the magic will help you grow.

I wrote this while thinking about camp. That's all I can say about that.

So here are seven excerpts of my personal journal. There's way more in there but none of it is very interesting. My main hope is to turn it into a book but there will need to be revisions and a lot of editing and an actual story. But I can take bits and pieces. Anyway, sorry if this post was boring. I'm having a little trouble with being creative lately because I've been a tad stressed and under the weather. There are other posts in the works though so hang tight.

Thank you to everyone who have been supporting me! Also, thanks to everyone who thinks this blog or post might be weird because I don't really care and you had to read it in order to create that opinion!

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