Saturday, May 19, 2018

Binge Watching the Goldbergs

I had one final exam. So, the last two weeks of school I wasn't doing much.
Lindsey, what were you doing with your free time and for the two weeks you've been home?
GREAT question loyal readers! I was binge watching The Goldbergs! (I didn't put a photo because I don't want to get sued so please enjoy some pictures of my own family)

First, I am bitter because this was my plan.
My plan was to pitch a show based on my family members personalities and events in our lives. I have been writing down funny memories and phrases about my family for years hoping that I can turn them into something.

And my gimick to make it more appealing?? That it takes place in the 80's. Because ya know, I was born in the wrong decade so I could definitely tweak my experiences so they took place in the past.

BUT, thus, now there is a TV show that has done exactly this (by now I mean the first episode was 5 years ago). Not only is it being done, but it's also AMAZING. I laugh out loud at every episode and I can't stop thinking about it.

Honestly, I can't believe I am so late to the game. I remember when it came out and my friend Jami Goldberg got the first episode sent to her house because she's a Goldberg and I guess that was a thing that happened.

A Jewish family in a small town? A show that is on Wednesday nights? That takes place in the 80's? Where the main character is a kid who loves movies?
Does not seem like its up my alley at all. PASS. (that was sarcasm)

And I shrugged it off. It was on TV every week but I had other things to watch. Until a few weeks ago when my friend gave me her Hulu account and I decided it was time to binge watch it.

For the last two weeks of school I could not stop watching, thinking about, and talking about this show. I still can't. The characters are so entertaining and the way home videos are integrated into each episode and how some of the old videos are played out EXACTLY by the actors! Like that's so cool!

And Jeff Garlin's mom and I used to get our nails done at the same beauty salon so a little piece of home is in every episode. ALSO, a Jewish family! They have Hanukkah episodes and use yiddish terms! Amazing. Couldn't have done it better if I did it myself.

Everyone's a mensch, Pops says verkakta almost every season, Beverly has a Yenta binder and the kids regularly mention something about summer camp. Unbelievable.

Now, I have been raving about this show to everyone I know and they all have the same response. "Really? You think it's that good?"
Yes. Yes I do. It's got drama, it's got comedy, it's got yelling, it's got life lessons, it's got realistic scenarios that could happen to teenagers and parents and it's got a great supporting cast. It's just good writing. It really is. And the theme song is very catchy.

I've been trying to get my family to watch it so they can realize that this is how our family acts all the time. The episode where they go out to dinner for Erica's birthday hit a little too close to home.

I am SUPER excited for the new season and cannot wait to smile and laugh.

I write about my feelings and things I love on this "blog". I love this show because it's a combination of everything I enjoy and dislike about my life. But it puts a funny twist on things to make everything better. And there is always a lesson learned at the end.

Sorry if you don't really care about TV or about this show or whatever. I just wanted to share what I've been up to and my new favorite thing!!

Thanks for tuning in!
I'm leaving for the summer tomorrow so I'll catch ya on the flippity flop! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Post-Sophomore Year post

Hey, hi, how ya doin'?
It's no secret that this semester has been a toughy. Ultimately, I hated all my classes, got in some tiffs with some friends and now I am just trying to breathe. By the time I got home, everything was fine. Classes were passed, friendships were remade and TV is being watched. While I was hating all my classes, I didn't get to watch any of my shows so now I'm catching up.

There was one good class this semester. I took a Radio and TV News class. It was the newscasting class where we had to put on shows once a week. One class I asked my professor if I could run the show and he gave me the headset and I called the shots for the last like, 6 shows. It was amazing and every episode was thrilling.

Additionally, there was an extremely bad class that poked at my self-esteem, made me question my intelligence, and caused me to cry in my car on various occasions. The one good thing that came out of it is that it was a major contribution to me changing my major! So yay!

I'm super excited to be learning about cameras and production and all that jazz next fall. WOO! It's a step in the right direction to my dream; to make people laugh. :) One day, hopefully, you'll be watching a sitcom on Tuesday or Wednesday night and you'll see my name on the bottom of the screen and be like, "great scott! she did it!"

While I wasn't crying and stressing that I wasn't going to pass my classes, (I passed) I actually made some great friendships and I am super excited to spend more time with these people during my junior year. They make leaving for the summer hard.

Honestly I don't have much to say or going on. I'm leaving for camp next Saturday and I am PUMPED to recharge and enjoy the summer at my favorite place.

But Lindsey, shouldn't you be trying to find a real job/internship for the summer to build your resume and start getting serious about your career? Well overly involved agenda pusher of a reader, I am perfectly fine with where I am at.

I was confused this year and didn't even know what to apply for. Now that I have somewhat of an idea of what I want to do in the future, I will be looking for jobs/internships for the summer; for next summer. I'm using next year to build my skills and hopefully land an awesome experience that will help me learn more about me and the profession I choose. But, that's in the future. And I'm very happy to see what it holds.

That's all for me; for now. :)