Thursday, May 17, 2018

Post-Sophomore Year post

Hey, hi, how ya doin'?
It's no secret that this semester has been a toughy. Ultimately, I hated all my classes, got in some tiffs with some friends and now I am just trying to breathe. By the time I got home, everything was fine. Classes were passed, friendships were remade and TV is being watched. While I was hating all my classes, I didn't get to watch any of my shows so now I'm catching up.

There was one good class this semester. I took a Radio and TV News class. It was the newscasting class where we had to put on shows once a week. One class I asked my professor if I could run the show and he gave me the headset and I called the shots for the last like, 6 shows. It was amazing and every episode was thrilling.

Additionally, there was an extremely bad class that poked at my self-esteem, made me question my intelligence, and caused me to cry in my car on various occasions. The one good thing that came out of it is that it was a major contribution to me changing my major! So yay!

I'm super excited to be learning about cameras and production and all that jazz next fall. WOO! It's a step in the right direction to my dream; to make people laugh. :) One day, hopefully, you'll be watching a sitcom on Tuesday or Wednesday night and you'll see my name on the bottom of the screen and be like, "great scott! she did it!"

While I wasn't crying and stressing that I wasn't going to pass my classes, (I passed) I actually made some great friendships and I am super excited to spend more time with these people during my junior year. They make leaving for the summer hard.

Honestly I don't have much to say or going on. I'm leaving for camp next Saturday and I am PUMPED to recharge and enjoy the summer at my favorite place.

But Lindsey, shouldn't you be trying to find a real job/internship for the summer to build your resume and start getting serious about your career? Well overly involved agenda pusher of a reader, I am perfectly fine with where I am at.

I was confused this year and didn't even know what to apply for. Now that I have somewhat of an idea of what I want to do in the future, I will be looking for jobs/internships for the summer; for next summer. I'm using next year to build my skills and hopefully land an awesome experience that will help me learn more about me and the profession I choose. But, that's in the future. And I'm very happy to see what it holds.

That's all for me; for now. :)

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