Tuesday, March 20, 2018


HELLO Blogger-sphere!
Did you miss me?
It's been a while and quite a lot of things have happened. First, let me explain myself. I am in three journalism classes. All of them drive me up the wall in different ways. Writing for fun does not fit into my schedule and it makes me very sad.

Journalism is not the profession I want to go into. #sorrynotsorry
I don't want to be a reporter and I don't want to go out into the field and find stories to write up.

I want to create stories and bring them to life. So...I have changed my major. My family gets mad at me whenever I make a change. But, this one is for the better because I really don't enjoy my classes and I'm not going to enjoy them because I have no interest in them.

My new major is Media and Information with a concentration in film and media. What does that mean? That means that I will be taking classes and learning the gist of being a film producer. When I tell my friends about my new studies they all have the same response.

"So you're studying the thing that you should've been studying from the beginning".
The answer is yes but life is a climb. I had to thrust myself up and get through some obstacles in order to get here. And I am very happy to move forward.

My classes were really getting me down in the dumps and now I feel a lot better. Of course I'm trying but my full energy could not possible be used.

What else has happened since you last heard for me? Let's get medical!

I lied to all of you. Well, technically my gynecologist did. I was prematurely diagnosed with late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. After visiting my endocrinologist and getting an ounce of my blood drawn, it turns out my gyno was wrong. I don't have CAH, I have PCOS. Which is a more common, less intense, version of CAH...kind of.
So what does this mean? This means I'm going on medication to help the hair growth. I guess it's more to hinder than to help. But it'll help me feel better! Additionally, PCOS is triggered by weight gain and loss.

Which brings me to another new thing!
In mid February I started to feel puffy. Not fat. Not large. Not heavy. Puffy. I called my mom and I said that I felt like I was at maximum capacity and I have to do something about it. My sweet sister Syd suggested a place in Lansing that she used to work out at. I tried a free class and LOVED it. So, after spring break, I signed up for a membership and now I go to a class 3-4 times a week. The exercise started as me just wanting to get into shape but NOW it correlates to my PCOS too. It's a double-whammy situation really. I enjoy myself and feel better while also helping my new friend, PCOS.

There's more?!?!
How could I possibly have more stuff to talk about? For those of you who are loyal readers or just talk to me, you know that I don't sleep. It's getting better but I still have trouble. You will also know that I have issues with my sinuses and ALWAYS have a cold. Well, I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. Basically, that horrible feeling you get in your head and face right before you get a cold, is a constant feeling I have. You can only imagine how I feel when I get a real cold. I wake up every morning with a headache, my face feels like there are weights on them and I get nosebleeds more frequently than I should.

In May I will be taking a journey and will be put under so that my dear doctor can suck out all the gunk all up in there. She's gonna widen my sinus canals and fix my deviated system so that the packed in mucus can wash it's way out. And so that when I do get sick, antibiotics will actually help me! Because right now they'e USELESS and I refuse to ingest something that will not make me feel less like a zombie.

I started training to be "air staff" on the campus radio station. You can only hear me if you have the link since I'm still training. Catch me at http://impact89fm.org/fix/ on Tuesday mornings from 11am-12pm!
Also, when you're on the Impact website, my cousin Ryan has written a couple great articles for their sports section!

I met Judge Aquilina and she is the coolest person ever.
I also got to shadow an ESPN producer and sit in the truck for the first half of a MSU basketball game.

I turned 20 this month and I feel fantabulous. I was in Austin with my sister and mom during my birthday and there is nothing like ringing in the but 2-0 with the two people who have literally been with you your entire life. Sweet sister Syd moved to Austin and that's super cool and I am very excited for her to make memories. I spent my birthday alone because I told my mom to leave me alone. It was great. I chillaxed and enjoyed my time with me.

I saw Black Panther twice and I still cannot get the image of Michael B. Jordan shirtless out of my head. It is permanently there every time I blink. Also, I saw Love, Simon and I LOVED it. Ask me about it privately and I will rave. Especially since the soundtrack was written by one of my favorite people in one of my favorite bands, Jack Antonoff.

Me and my friends are going to see All Time Low next week and I'm super psyched. I've been listening to the Unhappy Hour podcast and I love it. Not music but still something you listen to. Been thinking of starting my own podcast. Thoughts? Opinions? I don't really care I'm gonna do what I want anyway.

I was chosen to be a recruitment guide for recruitment in the fall and I am so stoked! I have to be unaffiliated from my chapter in the middle of August so peace out homies! I'm excited to take on this responsibility and help these young women find a home here on campus.

JK LOL. No boys for me. It's been a little busy up in here. Some people I do love is the class group chat that is formed with me and 5 of my friends. The chat is called *internally screams* and we complain about class and chat with each other all day everyday. And we have a snapchat group. Shoutout to those chicks for keeping me sane.
Also I would like to mention my littles since one of them said they would like to be in one of my blogposts at some point. Love you two like I love Shawn Mendes. (a lot) The Zack and Cody to my Carrie.

That's it for now I think. I'm going to try and post more soon. I NEED to post more soon for my sanity.
Ta-ta for now!
Happy first day of spring! And happy international day of happiness!

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