Friday, October 16, 2020

Adulting In California During A Pandemic

 Well America, I'm in Los Angeles.

My body has not been prepared for the 95 degree weather in October but the consistent sunshine is nice. I've been here for about a month and I'm starting to feel like I'm not just on a long vacation.

I'm living with my girl Rae Stone and we're killing it in our apartment. We were waiting on our couches to arrive for about three weeks and now that they're here it feels like home. I live 5 minutes from two of my favorite people in the world so that is PRETTY GREAT. (Hey Lisa!) Sister Syd had come to visit last week which was fantastic. After three months of joy at home, three days is not nearly enough.

So some things have happened. First, let's talk about the elephant in the room. My stuff was stolen out of my car. I'll quickly recap for those of you just tuning in. When I came to Los Angeles in January of 2020 for my Semester in LA program, I packed up my car with all my belongings and drove there from Chicago with my dad. The plan was to stay in California after graduation so naturally, I packed everything I owned. When the coronavirus hit, and we were kicked out of our housing, I packed up all my stuff into my car and parked it in a family friends community garage. It's gated and the car was locked. What I took home were two suitcases full of t-shirts, sweatshirts, leggings, documents, and some other personal items. It was a small portion of the collection of Lindsey.

I was home for six months and had accumulated more items so when I flew back to California last month I had four suitcases full of stuff. 

Now for the fun part. When my mother and I went to pick up my car at our friends garage, I opened my trunk and all my things were gone. Actually, that's a lie. Two bags of toilet paper, my squatty potty, and a wooden chair I took out of the garbage were still in the trunk. All of my clothing, shoes, stuff, and CDs were gone. OH! And my blender. If you know me then you know that I don't buy expensive things. I will hop around to second hand stores until I can't hop anymore. So, what's nice is nothing valuable was taken. But the thing is that those bags that were stolen had everything. My t-shirt from when I hiked Pictured Rocks with my campers, the Amoeba sweatshirt my dad got me for my birthday, all the clothing I bought to look like a professional for my internship, my jewelry box with the hand painted clips my friend got me from some island when we were 6 years old, my sticker and pin collection, etc...

I am lucky that I brought many sentimental things home and had all of my important documents. But it felt like my life was taken from me. The feeling still dwindles. Also, you know I have struggled with my body and my feet. So all my clothes and shoes being stolen just sucks. I never find nice dresses that fit me well or shoes that don't make my toes feel like they'll fall off. But, we are in a rebuilding stage.

I have trying to revamp my wardrobe for a while and this has given me the push I needed. My friends and family have been sending me gift cards and going through their closets and sending me the stuff they don't want so I am very appreciative of my support system. My car is fine. Whoever stole my shit were strong and sneaky.

Here we are a month and some change later and I'm tired of buying stuff. If anyone wants to go through their closet and send me whatever they don't want just let me know. 

I have a job now which is very exciting. Shoutout to semester in LA and Karen Loop for hooking you girl up. I'm the PPE Supervisor/Set Monitor for the FX show DAVE. I'm having a great time and I'm not even on set yet! I just love TV so much and it's great that I get to work on a show that I enjoy. Seriously, DAVE is a great show and I'm honored to be on the team that helps keep everybody safe and healthy!

When I'm driving around I'm starting to feel at home. I know the streets, have my grocery store, my nail place, etc... Rachel and I go on walks all the time to familiarize ourselves with the area and do a bit of LA sigh seeing. You all know how much I love pop culture and entertainment. Living in the place with so much of that history is a dream come true. It would be awesome if this pandemic would just chill out and I could experience some of the action but I also wouldn't have my job if there wasn't a pandemic so...

Anyway kids and cats, things are going well. I've been adulting correctly. Except for the lack of vegetables and exercise, of course. I think that's all for now.\

Peace, Love, Lip Gloss



What I've Been Watching:

Julie and The Phantoms (Netflix)

This is a kids show but I do not care. It is so good and has so much heart. I cried during every episode and the songs are extremely catchy. The actors are very talented and I hope there is a second season because I love those ghost boys.

PEN15 (Hulu)

The second season is just as cringey and hilarious as the first. This show is genius and it keeps me laughing throughout every episode.

Hubie Halloween (Netflix)

This movie is so stupid that it's amazing. There's love, pain, and a mystery. Plus, the cast is unbelievable. Just remember that it is SUPPOSED TO BE DUMB. If you just go in knowing that then you will thoroughly enjoy iy.

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