Thursday, February 14, 2019

Things and Stuff

How are things? Well things are going pretty well my dear friends. I'm starting to feel like I'm being prepared for the real world. As in, I am currently working on projects that will be created and that you, my fans, can see! How exciting?!?!

So what's the haps Lindsey?


To begin, I am an improv student at iO theater in Chicago and I absolutely LOVE every second of it and I think I'm already getting better! I'm definitely learning a lot and the people in my class are so fun and supportive. Every week I look forward to this class and I get to see shows for free so that's a plus. I enjoy performing on stage and I think it's important in the field I'm trying to go into that I understand things from a performers perspective. That way I can write and produce effectively. So that's super fun and I cannot wait for Level 2!

I also have a production internship this semester. It's every Friday and so far so good! I've already been to two shoots. The employees are so nice and really want to teach me things. They take the time to tell me whats what when we're setting up equipment or editing footage. Last week I cleaned and organized one of the file cabinets so I'm really showing them my skills. It's very helpful and entertaining to experience how real production works and it's especially awesome when surrounded by great people!


Hold on folks we're getting there!

First, I have recently met with an advisor in order to pick up a journalism minor. I took SO many classes at MSU and I wanted them to count for something. The journalism department was so nice and I only need to take ONE journalism class at Columbia in order to get the minor! I'm excited too because I think the class I'm gonna take is about writing critiques about the arts. So like plays, exhibits, performances, etc... That's super cool and not something I was able to do at Michigan State so I'm looking forward to it!

Alrighty, let's get to my classes.  We are taking 15 credits this semester. 3 of those credits are coming from my internship. I only have class Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am-3:20pm on both days.

OMG Lindsey you have so much extra time.

Improv for 3 hours Monday
Class from 9am-3:20pm Tuesday
Class from 9am-3:20pm Wednesday
Internship from 9am- 5:30pm Friday

My friends the majority of the work in my classes is done outside of class. We learn things in class and have to do them outside of class. Things like paper work, shoots, and editing.

So no, I do not have SO much extra time. Especially when I try and get to bed by 11 every night so I can wake up earlier, eat, do my homework, any errands, clean the apartment (which needs to happen a lot), and still have time to just chill and watch Hulu. I'm actually stalling right now. I should be reading and if I was going by the schedule I have created for myself then I would be but I felt it was time for an update and i just answered a bunch of emails so this is my reward.

I have a class called The TV Producer. This is my hardest class this semester and takes up the majority of my time...and its only week 4. I love this class though. My instructor knows her stuff and I enjoy going to her class every week. Sure, I get anxiety about turning things in because the guidelines and requirements are so specific and if you forget anything then you get a 0 on it BUT, when I physically go to the class and learn I enjoy it. We are currently working on 2 things. The first is that we're learning to budget for a production. Numbers are not my thing but theres an application that does all the math for you. I'm having trouble deciding what to budget for. I don't know all the crew positions yet or what exactly goes into a production so I find that I am leaving things out. That's okay though because I'm still learning! The other project that we are working on are promotional videos for clubs at Columbia. We all had to give a pitch to the rest of the class and 3 pitches were voted on out of the 15.
And guess what my friends...YOUR GIRLS PITCH WAS CHOSEN. Yes ladies and gents, The TV Producer class will be making a promotional video for Columbia College Hillel. :) The first thing that one of my group members said to me when we all got together was "just so you know, I'm not Jewish." So this is going to be an amazing journey for all of us. I'm just happy that people felt I pitched it well enough to make and that I get to help Hillel! Lots of paperwork is being done and I'm drowning in it but its a goo drowning.

My next class begins 40 minutes after The Television Producer and I have to book it to the next building. I usually hang back a couple minutes to ask questions and end up sweating when I get to my next class.

This one is fun too! It's called Oral Expressions, which is just a fancy way of saying public speaking. The same day I pitched my Hillel video, I gave an informational speech in this class. What was I giving my informational speech about? I was informing my class about the many life lessons that we are taught from The Breakfast Club. And it was a HIT. I wore my TBC shirt and talked about different quotes from the movie. The instructor didn't even tell me anything work on because he was so impressed by the way I outlined the speech that he went on a tangent telling the class about how I took such a broad topic and made it into a 5 minute speech and yada, yada, yada. It was quite a confidence booster.

Fast forward to my Wednesdays, I have Production and Editing II and TV Arts: Writing.  Our work in P&E correlates to our work in Writing and since we haven't really written anything...we haven't done too much.  BUT today was another good day. Our first assignment is to adapt a story we were given and we chose whose out of the class that we're going to produce. I was chosen as the producer of my group and I'm actually very excited to be able to organize this piece. One of my good friends wrote and I think its going to be really good! BUT something else happened. The project after the adaptation is a web series. We had to pitch a 3-5 episode series to the rest of the class and vote on them. We picked 2 to produce. AND HELLO, my idea was chosen! We're making my web series! I'm really happy about it because I liked my idea. I would've been okay if we didn't do it but I gotta admit...I'm REALLY excited. :)

My homework this weekend is to do a few pages of the Hillel production binder and to complete the adaptation production binder. I also have book reading to do too. It might not seem like too much but being a producer is all about paying attention to detail and being organized. I feel I have things pretty under control and I have some time tomorrow and all day Saturday and Sunday to work on them. It's gonna take me a while but it's nothing I can't handle.

What else is up, Lindsey???

I'm going to East Lansing for part of my spring break and then flying to Texas to stay with the Sweet Sister Syd!! I'm so pumped to see my friends and then spend some quality time down south with my best friend. The weeks leading up to break are going to be hectic so I'm already looking forward to some time away.

Especially since your girl is gonna be living in the city this summer!! I have to take summer classes and am planning on having a job. I also hope to continue my improv classes. This will be the first summer in 13 years that I spend at home. It's weird to think about and it makes me feel a little uneasy but like I said before, nothing I can't handle.

I found a new playlist on spotify that I can't stop listening to. It's called It's ALT Good. Makes me happy and I'm listening to it now so it's on my mind.

OH. My friend Michala and I are currently in the EXTREMELY early stages of writing a play! We have some general ideas but still need to flush them out. But you know, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)

Not much else going on. Just started the semester and I feel like I've been in these classes my entire life. It's February already which means we are almost to the end! Also, I turn 21 soon and I don't care. My birthday is on a Tuesday and I have class the next day so whatever. I also don't like to drink so it's just another year. I am excited that I can actually go to fun bars with my sister and friends. That'll be cool.

Okay cool cats, that's about it from me.  Some TV recommendations:

The Kids Are Alright
This show is on ABC and is hilarious. I never watch it live but I love every episode. There are so many characters that even for every 1 that you find annoying, you'll find 2 that you love. Highly recommend checking it out.

Inside Amy Schumer
I usually am not her biggest fan but I just binge watched this on Hulu and loved it. I love sketch shows and female comedians so this was a great combination for me.

The Masked Singer
I hate how much I enjoy this show. But wow I love it so much and wait for it to come on every week. And BTW, I was right with Tori spelling too, Dr. Ken.

Russian Doll
If you enjoy great television than this is for you. A Netflix original that is beautifully done and the plot keeps you on your toes. I don't want to say much else because you should really just watch it.

See ya on the flippity flop!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are killing it!!! Your excitement radiates through this post!!!
