Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloweekend: Halloween at College

I don't know what I expected Halloween at college would be like but here's something new; I had a fun weekend. Me! Lindsey Rabinowitz. The girl who hates Halloween and hates being up past 10pm actually has a fun Halloweekend.

The festivities started Thursday night. A SCHOOL NIGHT!!! Spooky. Naturally, I dressed up as a hippie.
And I fucking killed it. We left the dorm and headed to PARTAY. Just kidding mom...not really. Anyway, apparently the party wasn't "lit" enough so we waited in the CVS for about an hour. First of all, I'm a freshman. I don't need the party to be "lit". I did nothing ever in high school so even a little bit of dancing while holding a red solo cup filled with just soda (alcohol is poison) was enough for me.  The waiting around wasn't ideal but in the end it was probably worth it. We got to the PARTAY and let me tell you, it was kinda "lit". It was a great night with great friends, great tunes, and some great photos. Thank you frat party for making my Thursday night not so boring. 

On Friday night we went to yet ANOTHER frat party. This day I decided to continue to keep it kosher and dressed as a Park Ranger.
This is the same night my friends and I developed a new game. Every time we saw someone dressed as Harley Quinn, we would punch each other. Super fun game right?!? Anyway, this frat party was a pain in my behind. First of all this whole "ratio" thing is ridiculous. Three girls for everyone one guy is rude. Girls like their options too. And I mean gee whiz too much estrogen in the room and all our cycles will match up. No boy wants that. So it was a pain in the ass to make our way through the crowd of sweaty, half dressed college students to get to the door. The guy let us in because "ratio". We were in there for about fifteen minutes and then the fire alarm went off.
"You guys like the cops? Get off the property!!" Nice kids.

The remainder of the night we just walked around and punched each other in the arm. Not the ideal second night of Halloweekend but it was still fun.

Saturday and Sunday night I decided to stay in. Too tired from the previous two days of PARTAYING. I mean Halloween wasn't until Monday. I need to study and clean and do other things. College Halloween is fun but it's also a lot of pressure because it's like a five day event. Five late nights, five different outfits. Like WHAT.

Monday night aka All Hollows Even and I had nothing to wear. Eventually, I decided to go to my roots and be a material girl.
It was perfect other than the fact that I was freezing but whatever. We went to like an annex house so like these frat boys who don't live in their frat house, live in this house. Once again, eh. I mean it was fine. I think I was just tired. I wanted to show my outfit off though so it all worked out. We were about to leave but we were just standing outside and I got bored so I decided to sit in the middle of the sidewalk. One of the boys said to my friends "make sure she's alright and stuff". I got up in an instant and thanked him for his concern but I  was 150% sober. I was just bored and wanted to sit down. Story of my life. People thinking I'm drunk when I'm not. It happens more often then it should. 

Halloween at college was kind of underwhelming. I liked dressing up everyday and seeing everyone's costumes but I guess I was expecting a little more hype. All in all, it was a pretty good Halloweekend. 
And I got to spend the whole holiday with the crew. :)
OH YEAH! There was the Michigan/Michigan State game too!!
What a weekend.

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