Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What can I getcha?

I want to be a bartender. Yes, I have other dreams like writing a book and traveling the world but, learning how to bartend has always been a goal of mine. When I was younger my dad used to challenge me to pour a bottled beer into a glass with minimum bubbles. It became something that I enjoyed doing. It's the little things right?
And you usually enjoy things you're good at. I was a natural. No bubbles rested around the rim.

Over the years I have gotten better at this god given talent of mine. I eventually got to the fun stuff. Opening bottles of alcohol in a cool and smooth way. I'm still working on it but sometimes I can pop a top off of a beer at lightning speed.

Anyway, like I said, I have always wanted to bartend. Bartenders make people happy. They supply people with an item that changes their mood. They are fun and give the gift of entertainment. There is always a wise bartender in every good movie. You know what I'm talking about. When the main character is in a rut and they think drinking their sorrows away is the best option. But then the hero of the story, the bartender, comes by and gives him life changing advice that makes the main character question everything about their decisions. Then the character throws back the final sip and thanks the tender for everything. BAM. LIFE CHANGING.

That's what I want to be. The wise bartender. But I also want to be the cool bartender. The one that the regulars always come in to see. Additionally, I want to be able to mix cool drinks and pour beers just right for all my friends when I'm older. Like when none of my twenty something friends know I can bartend and I just whip a bottle of vodka around like I'm one of those samurai chefs. Imagine how blown their minds will be. Jaws will drop.

People usually think that bartending is something you do when you can't find a job and have nothing else to do. I actually have no problem with being a bartender on the side while I do my other work. Business during the day, party at night. I think that bartenders are very admirable people. They have to deal with drunk idiots all the time and don't usually complain.

I don't even really like drinking so this is also a little ironic. SO NOW I MUST DO IT. And you bet your bottom dollar right when I turn 21 I'm signing up for bartending school.

But seriously whenever I have made a bucket list bartending has always been at the top of it. And then learning how to play the drums is right under it. I have no rhythm so that's going to be a difficult one. Then comes traveling the world and then my career. I know it's a funky order but it's something I have always wanted to do. How cool would it be to be a bartender in another country?? I'd be foreign AND the person supplying you alcohol. BONUS POINTS!

Right now I don't have a lot of talents. When I learn how to bartend and then maybe the drums, I'll be a woman of MANY talents. THAT is so exciting to me.

Lindsey; A woman of many talents
That'll be the title of my autobiography.

Anyway, thank you for reading my little spiel. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately and just wanted to put it out there. Check out my bar in the future. I don't know where it'll be or what it'll be called but I will own a bar at some point in time. ;)

I don't want to be this intense but wow!

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