Friday, December 16, 2016

Camp People

Everyone knows I'm a camp person. I live and breathe camp. It's mostly because I go to the best camp ever. Yes the physical camp itself is amazing with it's traditions, activities, and awesome location under a blanket of stars, but there is something else that keeps you coming back year after year. My camp is so intimate and small that you get to know everyone. The people keep bringing you back. Because camp people are the best people.

Nobody knows me better than the 22 girls that I had the pleasure of living with for eight summers. I could call any one of them right now and we could pick up right where we left off. I am so thankful for all of these girls making me who I am today.

The counselors are the ones who make the summer special for the kids. When I was a camper, I tried to get to know the staff and create friendships with them. I wanted to know why they wanted to be a camp counselor and if they're enjoying it. I have been in a poke war with my CIT summer counselor for the past four years and it's getting intense. I regularly stalk former camp counselors on social media just to see what they're up to. I loved getting to know a bunch of the staff members during my camper years. No matter what, camp people are the best people.

Being an actual staff member was different because I was on the other side of things. I absolutely loved being a camp counselor because I got to know so many cool people. The counselors that come to my camp are some of the greatest people in the world and I am so thankful that my childhood home has rubbed off so much magic on so many of them

Being a "camper counselor" changed the game because I had connections with many of the campers already but now I was the one in charge of them. The cabin that I was a counselor for last summer was one of my favorite cabins of girls when I was a camper and I was ecstatic that I got to hang out with them for seven weeks. Thank you girls for letting me do my job and "counsel" you while still being your friend.

When I was deciding where to go to college, camp people changed everything. My camp friends bring out the best of me and make me the most comfortable so having the option to go to a school that is filled with them was all I needed. They are a big reason that I chose to go to school in Michigan and I thank them for helping me pick and adapt to my new home. Everywhere I go I see someone who is part of the family and I love it.

There is such a tight bond between everyone who has ever went or worked at this camp because it is such an intimate place. It's not a big camp. And I am forever thankful for that.

(sorry for all the pictures...I don't know how to make them look better and I also couldn't decide which ones to not post)

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