Thursday, January 19, 2017

My review of La La Land

A couple weeks ago I saw La La Land with a good friend and I got to tell you, I wasn't too impressed. I LOVE Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. They were amazing in Crazy, Stupid, Love and they were equally amazing in this together. The movie just didn't do anything for me.

Here's what I did like about the film (SPOILERS):
1. The concept
I liked that it was a musical within a movie. But it was a classy musical. None of the numbers seemed too forced or extreme. It all flowed well.

2. The emphasis on Jazz
JAZZ IS DYING PEOPLE. The success of this movie will hopefully bring some of it's greatness back into the limelight. I love that Ryan's whole character was based around his love for Jazz. It's such a lively genre that helped make his character likeable.

3. The very real characters
They are a struggling actress and a struggling musician living in LA. That city is known to be highly populated by starving talent waiting for their big breaks.

4. The Ending
I liked that they weren't together at the end. People come into your life and influence you for the better but sometimes they don't always stay there. It was an interesting choice on the writer's part. They knew that the audience would want them together at the end but instead, they went a different route and gave their audience what they needed. We needed to see them accomplish their goals in life. It's an amazing message actually. One person could change your whole life. They could help you get everything you want and assist you in accomplishing your dreams. But sometimes, they get lost along the way. And maybe it's for the better.

Here's why I disliked the film:
1. Emma Stone acting as an actress didn't sell me.
Emma Stone is a great actress. But Emma Stone playing an actress wasn't one of her best roles. In the scenes where she auditions for something, I probably wouldn't hire her either. Sorry Emma, I love you but, you know.

2. The unnecessary length of some scenes
The planetarium scene was cool but I didn't need to see them fly into the sky and dance on the air. That was too much. Also, the rising action was way too long. When they finally had their fight at the table I was so excited because FINALLY their seemingly "perfect" relationship was about to crumble. It can't be too good for too long otherwise it's too unrealistic.

3. The Music
It was really good but the majority of the songs were slow and they almost made me fall asleep. Then the upbeat tunes were solely dance scenes and it wasn't as exciting. I enjoyed the group songs at the beginning the best.

4. The Ending
Like I said, I like that they weren't together. What I didn't like was the little blurb they showed about what their life would've been like if they were together. It was completely ridiculous. So you're telling me that if he would've kissed her instead of plowing past her at the restaurant, they would've still been together? They would've gone to Paris together and had kids and lived happily ever after? I call bullshit. One kiss and when and where it happens is not gonna change every event of your life. Sorry but no.
Also, when Emma walks out of the club and they make eye contact, Ryan smiles at her and then she smiles back. And then she leaves because that was her validity that they were on good terms and their story was resolved and everything was fine in the world. BUT, when she left the building, Ryan's smile faded to a frown. HE IS NOT OKAY. HE IS NOT AS HAPPY AS HER. HE DID THE WHOLE CLUB THING FOR HER. TO SHOW HER THAT HE'S STICKING TO HIS DREAMS. I swear that little frown made me so pissed because why can't his story be resolved. There was no resolution to his story. There was no happy ending. The woman he loved is happy with someone else. And he is not and never will be, part of her life again. THAT'S NOT OKAY. PLEASE GIVE US A RESOLUTION FOR THIS CHARACTER. PLEASE. Makes me so angry.

Anyway, it is not the best movie I have ever seen. It is not the best musical movie I have ever seen. But yes, I enjoyed the film. I don't even remember the names of the characters but nevertheless I enjoyed it. It was beautifully done and such an interesting concept. That being said, it was the plot that bothered me the most. The production was absolutely magnificent but the story could've been tweaked. I'm not an expert movie critic by any means but there was something about this one that made me so angry. Sorry to anyone who loved the movie. My opinion shouldn't effect yours but sometimes that happens so. Thanks for reading my review.

Personally, I'm a bigger fan of Demi's take on things.

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