Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sweet Sister Syd

My sister and I used to spend days setting up Barbie towns in our basement. By the time we were ready to play, our mom would make us clean everything up because we were having people over or the cleaning service was coming.

One winter break we developed secret hand signals to use at the dinner table. The hand signals determined what order we would play with our toys with after dinner. To this day we use these hand signals and our parents still don't know what they mean.

When we were little, my sister and I used to lifeguard each other while we shower or bathe. One of us would sit on the toilet pretending to watch all the swimmers and then blow our whistle while the other sister pretends to drown.

My sister and I went to overnight camp together and she instantly changed to my mother figure once we stepped foot on the Kalkaska ground. Every night, no matter what was happening, she always made time to tuck me into bed and wish me sweet dreams.

My sister, Sydney, is graduating college soon. She will receive a degree in Hospitality and Business from the Broad Business College at Michigan State University.

If you don't know me, and you don't know how I feel about my big sister Syd, this blog post will give you a better understanding of how amazing she is.

Sydney is my best friend. And she will stay my best friend forever and always. She's the first person I tell with good news and the first person I run to with bad news. If you read my previous blog post, then you would know that I went through a tough time not too long ago. My sister was always there for me.
One day during my Sophomore year of high school, things got really bad. I called my sister while she was at college and she answered after one ring. I told her that things were getting bad again and I didn't know what to do. She said that she was getting in the car right then and there to come home because if things were that bad, she wanted to be there.
That's the type of person she is. And it's a type of person that everyone should have in their life whether they're a sibling or a best friend. Someone who drops everything to make sure you're okay.

Academically, my sister's brain has always worked better than mine. She's very smart but isn't showy about it. The best kind of intelligence. Sydney is the logistical, business-y and and organized sister. I, though organized, don't care about logistics and business. I like to create and write. (in case you didn't know) Sydney has ALWAYS been supportive of my writing. She's the one that actually got me to start up again. I used to write stories and poetry in middle school and for a couple years I stopped. I can't remember who we were talking to but they were asking my sister about what she was studying in college and what I might want to study. I shrugged my shoulders and I will still shrug my shoulders today if you ask me because I don't know what's going on.
I remember Sydney saying she thought I should do something with writing. Mind you, I hadn't thought about writing for a while so this surprised me a bit. She told this mystery person that I used to write a lot and that I was actually pretty good at it. So, thank you sweet sister Syd for bringing my passion back to me. If I didn't rediscover my love for writing, things would be very different and I'd probably be majoring in Archeology or Forestry. (Both VERY awesome majors btw). I think everyone who enjoys reading my posts can thank Sydney for their enjoyment. And everyone who hates reading them can blame her for how annoying they are.

In case you couldn't tell, I think very highly of my sister. She's the best person I know. She's sunshine on a cloudy day and she's that kid that every other parent compares you too. Trust me, I would know. Actually, I made it clear at a very young age that I should not, and could not, be compared to my sister. Throughout my life my parents have done a VERY good job at making me feel like I'm my own person."We don't want you to be like your sister! We've already got a Sydney and she's hard enough to deal with! We don't want another one!" Okay maybe that was a bit exaggerated but it went something like that. Although we were raised together, our independence helped us thrive to uniqueness and success.
Sydney studied extremely hard in college and has landed an AMAZING job for after she graduates. If you want to know about it please ask me our my parents because we can talk about how awesome it is for hours and she's getting kind of sick of it. All of her hard work has lead her to this moment and she deserves everything she has gotten and more.
Obviously, she's the better sister. I have already prefaced with my family the fact that I probably won't get an amazing job like this right out of college because I'm majoring in a dying industry but I'll try my best. I plan to mooch off of my sister for a couple years until I get awesome enough for her to mooch off of me. It's a mutual mooching future. We've talked about it before and it's a good plan.
Anyway, now we're all grown up and Sydney is about to face the world. She has faced the world in little increments before but now it's hitting her right between the eyes. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever she does in the future, she's going to kick some ass.

If you don't know my sister, if you passed up the opportunity to know her, or if you lost touch throughout the years then I genuinely feel sorry for you. Really, I do. You may think, "oh she's just saying that because she's her younger sister" but seriously. Ask any of her friends or any of my friends or whoever, she's one of a kind.

I guess my parents did a pretty good job raising their oldest. In three years (or less or more like i said I don't know what I'm doing), I hope to grab my diploma and take on the world being half the person she is. Congrats on finishing your schooling Syd, you're going to do amazing things for our world. And remember I'll always be here, as your bestfriend, to cheer you on no matter what.


  1. Written by one amazing girl about another amazing girl! XO to you both!!!

  2. A beautiful blogpost! I truly feel the love!! You are both incredible & blessed to have one another. I love you both so much!
