Thursday, May 4, 2017

The End of The Beginning

You probably see all those crappy articles from college students titled "Tips for a college Freshman" or "What I wish I knew coming into college". Like I said, they're all crappy. Everyone has a different experience and it is selfish to think that the person who wrote the article can influence how your freshman year will go. Anything can happen! It's YOUR college experience and you can do whatever you want with it.

This is not one of those crappy articles. This is a reflection. It's more for me than it is for anyone else but everything I write on here is for me to get my feelings and thoughts out so... Anyway, I decided to write about all my favorite moments of this year AND what I have learned. This way I can go back and look at this whenever I want. And so my family and all my friends can see that I actually had a decent year.

1. My Archaeology Class
Okay so taking this class made me so happy! This was the first class of my college career and I was SO excited to take it AND, to this day, I will rave about it. I have always been interested in archaeology and I was ecstatic to be able to dip my toe into the subject. It was a great way to start off the year!

2. SDT
Thank you SDT for letting me invade your house. The experience thus far has changed me forever. Being a part of something has made my freshman year so much better and I cannot wait to make more memories during the next three years.

Nikki intimidated me at first but I'd like to thank Jessie and Jane for pairing us together. This year would've been so different and probably would've sucked if you didn't have my back. I'm excited to continue our adventures and spread our love to a new family member in the fall.

4. Columbia College
Some of you may not know but I toured Columbia College in Chicago in November. Yes I was a student at MSU AND toured ANOTHER school. I'm glad I toured it though because it made me appreciate my home in East Lansing more. I realized what I wanted to get out of my college years and that MSU was the place for me. (Columbia is a REALLY cool school though. Highly suggest checking it out)

5. Inductions
The day after I visited Columbia, I was inducted into SDT and became an official sister. (yay) Now I have a house of girls who life up my spirits when they're not so high and are always down to watch a Disney movie. They're a community I can count on. Love you all :)

6. Washington D.C.
The Hillel asked me to go to D.C. for the Jewish General Assembly and it was awesome. I didn't have to be at school and I was in D.C! So much history!! It was so fun to be around so many inspiring Jewish leaders, and the sight seeing wasn't so bad either. This made me realize how much the Jewish community at MSU needed me to be involved! Thanks for taking me to the country's capital!

7. Risk Management
A the end of November I was elected as the position of Risk Management Chairwoman of SDT. It's hard at times but I LOVE IT. No matter how drunk, emotional or crazy my sisters may get, I'm always there to help. Thanks for letting me mom everyone! Can't wait for another "risky" term.

8. Winter Break
Winter break was a breath of fresh air. I was so excited to refresh and relax. Eventually I got bored. I missed East Lansing. Guess that means I picked the right school???

I decided to switch my schedule around for spring semester and took a Journalism class. And that was it. I like to write and I want to learn how to write better and differently so I guess that's the avenue I'm going down.

10. Coolest Picture I have ever taken
At a social, that I was sober monitoring for, I took the coolest photo in my life. I will never take a better photo and it is very sad. My roommate even agrees with me. There is no going up, only going down.

11. Rolling out of bed and going to AEPi in my PJ's
It was a Thursday night and Roomie just got home. I was in bed, in my PJ's watching Netflix. She asked me if I was going to AEPi tonight and I gestured to myself laying down. She really wanted me to go so I hopped off my lofted bed, threw a bra on and walked out the door. I was wearing a big Bulls t-shirt and my pac-Man boxers. It was a hit. I literally rolled out of bed and went to a party. My prime.

12. Ice Skating
Roomie planned a sisterhood and we went ice skating. It was awesome except for the fact that my feet hurt after. Fun date idea!!

13. Hockey Game
Rachael took me to a hockey game and it was awesome. The Spartans lost but I won because I had the time of my life.

14. Sprang Brake
Went to visit Molly in Tucson for spring break and was again reminded that Michigan State is the best school. Sorry Wildcats. There ain't no party like a Sparty party. :)

15. New Room!!
In March we picked our rooms in the house next year and THAT was a stressful process. Everything worked out well though and I am very happy with the room I got. I'm SO excited to make memories with all the other girls living in. :)

16. Formal
Quick Tip: If you don't have a boy, take your best friend to formal. Mia, thanks for being the best date and for putting up with the shenanigans that I, as risk management, had to help handle. We had a great night dancing our hearts out and people watching. :D

17. Dirty Tug
This was my peak. Between you and me, this was the first time I was actually intoxicated. I had the time of my life. In the Sun, playing Tug of War with my sisters, getting a little tipsy. It was great. It will probably never happen again but I, along with my friends, had quite a good time. Like I said, I peaked. (P.S. Roomie wasn't there and gets upset every time I bring this day up)

18. Painting the Rock
A long standing tradition at Michigan State is painting the rock. You stay by it all day and night to "reserve" the rock and ensure that no one else will take it and paint it. I got to paint the rock and stayed out until 3:00am. Some of the other girls stayed until like 8am. (there was a tent) It was on my MSU bucket list so I'm happy I did it. To the boys who painted OVER the rock in broad daylight (not suppose to happen, only suppose to paint it at night), it's okay. You're not forgiven, but it's okay.

19. Being Sad to Leave My New Friends
This means you like your school. ^^ I'm not looking forward to leaving the people I see everyday! But, at the same time, I'm ready. I'm ready to have my summer to reflect and refresh, but I'm sad to not have everyone walking distance away. Can't wait to be back in EL at the end of August!!

20. Sister Syd
Real quick I want to acknowledge my sweet sister Syd. She already got an ENTIRE post but I need to mention her here. Things would be very different for me if I didn't have her here this year. Thanks for always looking out for me and making sure I was okay. No need to worry anymore Big Sis. I'm happy to be here and will continue our Spartan legacy. (whatever that may be) ;)

Thanks to everyone in East Lansing who made my freshman year a hit!

Also, thank you to everyone who read my posts throughout the year! I'm going to try and write another before I'm off to Kalkaska for the summer. See you soon :)

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