Friday, May 26, 2017

Gone Camping

I was home for less than am month and I am more than excited to leave. I have nothing against good ole Buffalo Grove. I just don't need to be here. I saw everyone from high school that I still talk to and now I'm good. Many of my peers hate being home because they want to go back to school but that is not the case for me. Sure, I want to go back to school. But not until August. Nothing is going on right now and none of my friends would be there so I see no point.
I'm excited to go to my Kalkaska home a little early this summer because I get more time to refresh. Sometimes you need to rough it in the wilderness for a few months to get your mind relaxed and prepped for school mode. I'm also my happiest when I'm at camp and I cannot wait to see what this summer has to offer.

Thank you to everyone who has entertained me during my 20 days of boredom at home. Thank you to everyone at school who I cannot wait to see at the end of August. And thank you to all the new and old staff that I am so excited to spend my summer with, starting in a few days!! Bring on Tanuga summer #11 :)

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