Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wet Hot American Summer

Hey hey hey!
It's been a minute. Did you miss me? It's been a LONG 11 weeks but I had one of the best summers of my life. Every tear, headache and time I had a strained voice, was worth it. Being a camp counselor is hard. You should never think less of someone because they would rather spend their summer watching kids and playing outdoors. It's hard. You have to constantly be awake and enthusiastic. Which doesn't seem like a big deal but it's kind of difficult when you've been riding around on a bike all night waiting for counselors to get back from "night church". Then you go to bed at 1:30am and have to wake up at 7:00am just to do it all over again. But don't forget. The kids are watching, so put a smile on your face!

Alright, alright. It's easy to pretend you're having fun when you are ACTUALLY having fun. I am a HUGE advocate for overnight camp. Obviously Tanuga over everybody BUT, overnight camp in general is so important. I could go on and on about it.
IF YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO SEND YOUR CHILD TO OVERNIGHT CAMP, YOU SHOULD SEND THEM. This is something that I believe now more than ever. I had time to reflect and think about how much of an effect going to Tanuga for 11 years has had on my life. ELEVEN SUMMERS OF MY LIFE. I'm only nineteen. That's a lot.
I'd have different friends, be at a different school, and I would be a completely different person if I had not spent my summers at camp.

Being a camper and being a staff member is apples and oranges. You're at camp and doing all the regular camp stuff but you're the person the campers look up to now. I had always wondered who my campers would be and if I'd have the same effect on them that my counselors had on me. Did I do it girls? Do you like me? Let me know via our snapchat group chat. I lived with the best cabin in camp for THREE years and I am blessed and honored to have gotten to know each and every one of you girls.

The staff makes the summer. There is laughing, tears, drama, and lots of fun. They set the tone for all the campers and each other. If you ever get the chance to work at an overnight camp, do it. You learn so much and make incredible friends. You not only become friends with the staff, but also the campers. It's a community like no other. You'll learn more about your strengths, weaknesses, and find your independence.

Anyway, if you want to know more about my summer please look at my latest facebook album or just ask me.

Now, I am Live From East Lansing and SUPER excited to start my sophomore year after a summer of fun and great memories.

Adios muchachos!!!

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog???
    Love it, thanks for a great summer!! Xox
