Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Okay, I have something to say. Why are scary clowns a thing? Like, honestly. Last year there was a clown that would walk around school at night just to freak people out. It wouldn't do anything. It just walked around just to get a rise out of people. With this whole clown cult on American Horror Story AND the new IT movie, the public is going to go wild. What do you think is going to happen after you make a movie or TV show about cult/killer clowns? PEOPLE ARE GOING TO START DRESSING UP LIKE KILLER CLOWNS. Have we not learned that people mimic what they see in the media?

I, myself have developed a fear of clowns. I didn't always fear clowns. It started when I realized that clowns are being sensationalized as murders and that a happy clown sighting was now as rare as the solar eclipse. I feel like clowns are the worst possible people to make the villain. We all have memories of clowns when we were younger. They would come to your birthday party and blow up balloons and twist them into little dogs. Clowns were a good memory. AND NOW?? Well, JUST LOOK!

Honestly, this is hurting the clown community. No one wants clowns anymore because they now have a bad connotation. Sorry, that's putting it lightly. They now have a MURDEROUS connotation. Soon all the clowns of the world will be filing for unemployment.

You could've just made them creepy. They didn't have to be killers. I just don't know what to say anymore. I don't just have to be scared about being kidnapped or raped when I'm out at night. Now I have to worry that a killer clown is going to come out of the shadows. That sounds so ridiculous but its true.

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