Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Best of Both Worlds: The Other Side of Recruitment

The longest week of my life is now over and we have welcomed over 50 girls into our home!! Words cannot explain how excited I am to start this year. Actually,  I'm a writer so words can explain it. So, here we go.

The first day of recruitment I was up for 18 hours. I woke up at 5:30am and was SO excited to see all the cuties coming through the door. The first weekends were pretty general and easy. We got to meet all of the potential new sisters coming through rush and got to bond together as a house. I made sure to form a connection with the girls I rushed. I told them about my recruitment experience and how it was a bumpy road. I always made sure to say that whether it's my house or a different house, I hope they find the home that makes them feel wanted and loved. I wanted them to leave our house feeling good about their decisions and making sure that they pick the right fit.

During the second round, I was up for 20 hours. Boy oh boy. By the end of the day I was so cranky. But once again, we had another round of awesome girls who wanted to be a part of our sisterhood. The next round went swimmingly and before I knew it, we were setting up for preference night.

If you read my first post, you know how excited and special this ceremony is to me.  It was this day a year ago that I found my home. I was given the honor of giving a speech during some of the parties and it made me remember how deep the love is that I feel for my sisters. I was able to see the light in the eyes of the girls sitting before me as they could see how strong our sisterhood. I shed a couple tears that night. Happy tears! Don't worry mom! I wanted every girl sitting in that room to find what I had found.

We all felt good after that night. There was a certain energy that SDT inhabited during recruitment. We wanted girls to feel the love we have for one another. We wanted them to see how genuine and kind we are to each other. And that we always have a sisters back. We all had a feeling that it was going to be a good year.
And we were right. 50 girls ran home to us that night. That is more than we could've ever dreamed of. To put it in perspective, my pledge class had around 35 and the pledge class before mine had even less. Our hard work had paid off and our family was expanded. It's true what they say about SDT. First you become a part of it, and then SDT becomes a part of you. It's in my identity now. I'm proud of my impact on the sorority thus far. And I'm forever thankful for the friends I have made. I owe my freshman year, and the rest of my college years to the girls of SDT and I cannot wait for our new girls to experience the impact that I have.

It's true what they say, Sig Delts do it better.

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