Friday, October 20, 2017

Harvey Weinstein

I'm going to assume everyone has heard about the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment allegations. I hate that word. "Allegations". Over 30 women have stepped forward. He did it. That's it.

Anyway, I'm currently writing a paper for one of my classes on this story and I've learned a lot in my research. I want to begin with the fact that the first indication of a sexual harassment by Weinstein was in 1987. THIRTY YEARS AGO. That's ridiculous. You're telling me that in over thirty years, his colleagues and peers heard, and said, NOTHING about his actions. My mom knows when I have my period just by my tone of voice when I call her.
Seems a little fishy doesn't it? I'm not digging for inside information here. All I want to do is state facts and to show everyone that this has been a common thread throughout his career. Taking advantage of young, females and promising them success in return.

I googled Harvey Weinstein when the news broke out and I was angry because he took part in making some of my favorite films. Pulp Fiction, Good Will Hunting, Spy Kids, Ella Enchanted, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Silver Linings Playbook, all tainted with his name in the credits.

The Weinstein Company said they had "no idea" what was going on. NO IDEA. Harvey literally had an assistant whose only job was to organize "meetings" with aspiring female models and actresses. I think they knew but nobody said or did anything. Nobody wanted to stand up to the beast. And no one came forward out of fear. The thing that also keeps me thinking is that there is no way he's the only one. There are probably other key players in the entertainment industry that are doing the same thing but nobody has stepped forward. Hopefully the recent events will encourage others.

I interviewed a friend in my sorority for the paper I was writing for my class. She is a sexual assault survivor. I asked her what she thought of the number of women who were speaking out. She said something that burrowed it's way in my mind.
"sexual assault is sexual assault. It doesn't matter the number."

HOW TRUE?? SEXUAL ASSAULT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT.  And it's not okay. Of course it's not okay for over thirty women to go through it, but it's also not okay for one woman to go through it. Or men for that matter.

If someone would have spoken up THREE DECADES ago and unveiled this monster, maybe less women would've been harassed. But that's the past. The important thing is what's happening now.
Women are coming out all over social media and the world is starting to talk. The conversation is more exposed now than ever before.

So what now? Now we must fight. We must show the world that these actions are not okay. We must educate the youth about sexual assault, harassment, and relationship violence. We must expose those who feel they "deserve" something from us or think just because they have power, that we'll be submissive to unwanted actions.

Alyssa Milano started the Me Too campaign on social media. Those who have been sexually assaulted or harassed write Me Too on a social media platform. The amount of facebook statues I saw with these two words shocked me. My peers, my family, my friends, all with those two words on their timelines. We must show our support and stand up for ourselves.

THIS STUFF IS SO NOT OKAY. Sorry that wasn't very formal but it makes me so angry. I am appalled by Harvey Weinstein and everything I am reading about this situation. It makes me more fearful to enter the professional world and being afraid, frightens me even more.

I'm sorry if this post goes around in circles or makes anyone uncomfortable. I've been doing a lot of research on Weinstein for my paper and I had to write down my thoughts. It urks me so much that people who are serial assaulters can get away with it for so long. It urks me that anyone can get away with unwanted forceful actions.

This is one of my more serious blogs, but it needed to be done.

A member of one of the sorority houses on my campus has started a campaign called We Know What Happens. She sells shirts and buttons to help bring awareness to sexual assault and harassment. There are people all around campus wearing these words. I encourage you to support her by following the instagram @weknowwhathappens

Thank you all for reading! Stay safe, and stay aware.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Post to Make My Mom Cry

I'm not an emotional, touchy-feely person so please don't mistake this post with me automatically becoming the worlds most lovable daughter. That's Sydney.

All my life I have felt a slight pressure from my mom. A pressure to look good, do well in school, keep the right company, and to succeed no matter what. Sometimes that pressure has gotten the best of me but most of the time, it's encouraging.

College is hard. I called my mom last week and she told me to get a job and find a summer internship. I left the conversation overwhelmed because I have a lot on my plate as it is. Those two things are on my radar but there are a lot of things that I have to check off before I get to them.

My mom called me today just to ask about my weekend. She asked how I was and I said, "fine". A word I took from her vocabulary actually. She asked me why I was just fine and I said all the things that were on my mind. A stream of stress came out of my mouth. I don't like to admit to my parents when I feel overwhelmed because I don't like to ask for help or show weakness. I know, horrible. I've been trying to get better at it. They already do so much for me that I don't want to burden them with silly things that they have no control over.

But everything just sort of came out. My stress about my sorority, about my major, studying abroad, summer plans, birthright, and more. I was expected a sarcastic comment, since that's kind of how this family works. We make each other feel better with sarcasm and chocolate. Considering I am in another state, I knew I was only getting a sarcastic comment.

To my surprise, my mother didn't try to be funny. She went through all of the things I said and told me reasons why I shouldn't worry. That all of it will be resolved and figured out in time. We agreed that although I may not like my classes, they will help me in future careers. We talked about that no matter what happens in my sorority, with executive board and living in the house again, we're prepared for all of it. No matter what I'll be studying abroad and that I should apply for as many internships I can because I will not sit on the couch all summer and be a hostess at Egg Harbor.

Usually I go to my sister when I need to feel better because she understands the things my parents can't. But this time I needed my mom to tell me everything will be okay. That as long as I try my best, I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.

My mom has always been the practical-realistic parent. But since coming to college, she's opened her mind to the fact that I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm going to be. She's realized that I have dreams that I intend to accomplish. And now, her support is there with me every step of the way.

Now I know she'd going to text me because she has found something in here that could be insulting. I'm asking you to look at the BIG PICTURE mother.

Attention all my other moms: please raise a glass of wine to yourselves next happy hour at the Bini household. Thank you for making my mom who she is and letting her know she has the best kids in the world because I feel like sometimes she forgets.
And on behalf of all of your children, thank you for believing in us and doing everything you do.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

SophoMORE of MSU

Live from East Lansing, it's your girl.

47 days into the semester and I am knee deep in the sweetness of East Lansing. The start of the semester has been a little slow but exciting, nevertheless. We've had some good times and some not so good times but, in these 47 days, I have felt older and wiser than ever before. I'm not a tiny clueless freshman trying to find my way around campus. I am a medium sized sophomore struggling to find my classes and trying to figure out the REST OF MY LIFE.

That's all I've been thinking about. The future. Where am I living next year? Where am I studying abroad? Can I get an internship for this summer? The general college things. But me, I like to have everything figured out. I don't like the unknown. But that's part of growing up. Figuring it out.

This year I have gone out less than last year too. School and building my resume seem more important at this time in my life. If you did not know, I want to be a writer. WHAT?! Yes. I don't know what kind of writing so I'm taking electives to see what I'm interested in.

I'm currently in the market for a summer internship so hit me up if you've got one. I'm hoping to do something with social media or literally anything. Anne Hathaway in the Devil Wears Prada? BRING IT. Possibly in Chicago so I can take Second City classes and be a young woman in a big world. That's the dream. To walk through the city streets like I know exactly what's going on and where everything is. Hiding my fear of crowds and crime from all the people passing me on the sidewalk. The song, "Breakthrough" by Hope 7 on repeat in my ears. Have you ever listened to that song? Blast it the next time you are traveling anywhere. It'll get you hyped.

I recognize that there are many steps on the stairs that are my professional life and I don't even have my foot on the first one. But dreaming is what I have always done best. Big dreams keep you motivated and moving. Dreams that are small and "realistic" keep you in a box.

So here I am, Sophomore year, refusing to stay in a box. Making my own decisions and trying new things. Being the best me I can be and refusing to let the stress of college weigh down on my body.

Before I end, I would like to talk about the best decision I have made this year thus far. Late last semester I enrolled in an Improv class for the fall. I told myself that if I get overwhelmed, that class would have to be the first to go. This class is SO much fun. All I have ever wanted to do is make people laugh and I think I am actually getting better at it!! In a structured setting!! I can make sarcastic one liners and get some laughs but actually conducting a scene and thinking on my feet was foreign to me. The students in the class are so supported and our instructor is one of the coolest people ever. I want to be her best friend. I'm trying really hard. I keep sitting right by her at the beginning on class and making comments about my Saturday Night Live knowledge. She's been complimenting me on my improv moves, which is helping with my self esteem issues so thank you. Basically BFF's.
Anyway, that's what's going on so far in my academic life. Nothing is really happening in my personal life. I'd have to have a personal life for things to be happening. *badum chick* OOHH I forgot! I'm going to Israel! Catch me in the holyland in December! So excited to explore the history of my ancestors and be in a different country because, well, you get it.

Peace out loyal readers! :)

Also, check me out on !!

(Shameless plug! I'm almost a professional!!)