Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Post to Make My Mom Cry

I'm not an emotional, touchy-feely person so please don't mistake this post with me automatically becoming the worlds most lovable daughter. That's Sydney.

All my life I have felt a slight pressure from my mom. A pressure to look good, do well in school, keep the right company, and to succeed no matter what. Sometimes that pressure has gotten the best of me but most of the time, it's encouraging.

College is hard. I called my mom last week and she told me to get a job and find a summer internship. I left the conversation overwhelmed because I have a lot on my plate as it is. Those two things are on my radar but there are a lot of things that I have to check off before I get to them.

My mom called me today just to ask about my weekend. She asked how I was and I said, "fine". A word I took from her vocabulary actually. She asked me why I was just fine and I said all the things that were on my mind. A stream of stress came out of my mouth. I don't like to admit to my parents when I feel overwhelmed because I don't like to ask for help or show weakness. I know, horrible. I've been trying to get better at it. They already do so much for me that I don't want to burden them with silly things that they have no control over.

But everything just sort of came out. My stress about my sorority, about my major, studying abroad, summer plans, birthright, and more. I was expected a sarcastic comment, since that's kind of how this family works. We make each other feel better with sarcasm and chocolate. Considering I am in another state, I knew I was only getting a sarcastic comment.

To my surprise, my mother didn't try to be funny. She went through all of the things I said and told me reasons why I shouldn't worry. That all of it will be resolved and figured out in time. We agreed that although I may not like my classes, they will help me in future careers. We talked about that no matter what happens in my sorority, with executive board and living in the house again, we're prepared for all of it. No matter what I'll be studying abroad and that I should apply for as many internships I can because I will not sit on the couch all summer and be a hostess at Egg Harbor.

Usually I go to my sister when I need to feel better because she understands the things my parents can't. But this time I needed my mom to tell me everything will be okay. That as long as I try my best, I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to.

My mom has always been the practical-realistic parent. But since coming to college, she's opened her mind to the fact that I don't know what I'm doing or what I'm going to be. She's realized that I have dreams that I intend to accomplish. And now, her support is there with me every step of the way.

Now I know she'd going to text me because she has found something in here that could be insulting. I'm asking you to look at the BIG PICTURE mother.

Attention all my other moms: please raise a glass of wine to yourselves next happy hour at the Bini household. Thank you for making my mom who she is and letting her know she has the best kids in the world because I feel like sometimes she forgets.
And on behalf of all of your children, thank you for believing in us and doing everything you do.

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