Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Obligatory End Of Semester Post

Hello there! It's been a minute since I last posted and I apologize because I have actually been really busy. I don't have any final exams so I get to come home a week early, but I have a lot of final papers and projects. And on top of those papers and projects, I have assignments for those classes to still turn in that aren't finals. AND on top of that, I'm a college student, I've got stuff going on.

Something I want to shed light on is an issue I have had for about....a year and a half now. I don't sleep. I don't think it's insomnia. I think my brain is shut down. I just can't sleep. I know what you're thinking, "She probably goes to bed really late and sleeps in really late. Those crazy college students ruin their sleep schedule. She's complaining but she's the problem." Well, no. I go to bed between eleven and one every night, and wake up between nine and ten every morning. Sometimes I go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. But my class on Mondays and Wednesdays starts at 12:40pm, and my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays start at 10:20am. So I go to sleep accordingly. I don't want to get more than nine hours because then I won't go to sleep the next night. I also don't nap for more than 25 minutes a week because then everything is thrown off.

I am not a crazy college student who stays up to all hours partying or studying. I don't sleep until noon and waste my whole day. I am very meticulous with when I go to bed and when I wake up because I know that 6/7 days of the week, I don't sleep. Or sleep well. But usually not sleeping. I can't quite figure it out. I'm always tired but always have energy. It's like I don't need sleep to function but I do need sleep so I'm not yawning with a headache all day. I have tried reading, drinking sleepy tea, countless sleeping pills, and more. Nothing seems to work effectively. I'm immune. So, if anyone has any suggestions or explanations, I'm all ears. I truly don't know what's going on.
On a different note, I'm really happy. I'm in a really good mood ending the semester. I've done pretty well in my classes and I feel like things are looking up for me. I'm applying to internships this week for over the summer and I am really excited. I'm looking at social media ones but honestly, I just want a high executive at a magazine or TV company to yell at me to get their coffee. It's my dream.

I'm excited to step my foot into the real world. It's about time. I'm only a tad nervous because the only thing on my resume is camp counselor so I don't know how that will be appealing for social media internships but fingers crossed! I know I would be good at it so hopefully if I get an interview I can dazzle everyone with my personality.

I'm also happy because I have time next semester to do more things! More clubs! More adventures! More fun! A friend from one of my journalism classes is in a similar boat as me where the only thing on her resume is being a nanny so we're making a plan to try out and join a bunch of clubs so we can throw them on this godforsaken life-changing piece of paper and hopefully stand out more. I'm excited! Bring it on real world. I've been waiting for you to pick me up.

Sorority-wise I feel good! Well, except for the radiator in my room. One of the reasons I can't sleep but not the only. Anyway, I feel good. I won't have a ton of responsibility next semester so I can be as involved as I want. I don't have to try and look good or go to a bunch of things so the higher ups can take notice. I can be me and do what I want. There's a couple of us that are excited to start fresh next semester and I'm looking forward to what it brings me.

I'm planning on joining a gym. Updates to come. But, this is not because I don't like my appearance. This is because I have the time, I want to start the routine, and maybe I'll get really tired and fall asleep? You never know!

I want to mention my improv class again. Innovation Through Improv with Sarah Hendrickson. I will talk to anyone who will listen about how much fun I have in this class. I have been watching old "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" clips on YouTube to find inspiration for my final performance. I thoroughly enjoy getting up there and making a fool of myself. And I don't think I suck at it. I'm looking for internships in Chicago so that I can take classes at Second City. I really enjoy improv and it makes me happy. So if something makes you happy, you stick to it and try and incorporate it into your everyday life. So thank you THR 208 (Mon and Wed), you've motivated me to do what makes me happy and what makes me laugh. And everyone knows I love to smile and laugh. :)

I get to go to Israel in a few weeks and I am BURSTING with excitement. A new place! The old city! The warmer weather! The tradition! The history! IT'S ALL SO THRILLING! L'CHAIM! I haven't been so excited for something in so long and I cannot wait to have this experience. Look out world, your girl is making her way to the Holy Land.

There is no better way to end a semester of college than on a good note. I'll tell you guys, I was a little skeptical at first. But things are tying up well and the future is more exciting than scary. I know my whole family worries constantly so don't fret Bini Clan. We're doing well here in EL. Looking forward to what the next half year brings me.

I'll see you in a week sweet home Chicago! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Love that semester ends on a high note & lots of good things ahead!! Your sister ALWAYS worries about you. She is consumed. Hopefully this puts her mind at ease!!!
