Thursday, March 28, 2019

This is getting RIDICULOUS

Okay people, let me talk about my support system because I think there's a fluke. In case you are unaware of what has been going on, I transferred schools to study television. BUT not only that. I transferred schools to study television writing and producing, to live in Chicago and gain experience and knowledge to become a comedian. A COMEDIAN. Like someone who writes, produces and performs comedy to make people laugh...FOR A LIVING.

So, a normal and sane support system/family would find this bonkers. What did I expect? I expected my friends to be like okay cool good luck. We all know you like TV and want to make people laugh but like, what? You know, like practical people. I expected them to support me because I'm their friend but to role their eyes because a comedian (????) isn't practical. They would believe in me nonetheless but wouldn't be surprised if I end up in a cubicle, making my coworkers chuckle at the water cooler with a joke about how our boss' hair looks like he jumped out of an *NSYNC music video. 

TO MY SURPRISE, my friends actually believe I am funny! LIKE WHAT?!?! How do I know this? Because they think I can succeed and achieve my dreams. A friend of mine said they are waiting to see my name in the credits of SNL and even introduced me to someone by saying, "this is Lindsey, she's gonna be famous". Like holy shit people. It's a fluke! I'm telling you! Also, when I told my friends I was transferring schools, ALL of them told me I should do it because I won't get what I need at Michigan State. I kid you not, every single person (except one but that's okay because she just wanted me to stay close to her, selfish. Kidding ily) said I need to leave so I can gain the knowledge and experience to reach my goals. And to this day they ask me what's new and how things are going. They say things like, "I can't wait to see you on TV", and "Stop being funny I can't concentrate on my work". That last one is entirely true. Just ask my roommate. 

Also people I barely know have told me that they think that my dreams are 100% achievable. I gave a speech in my public speaking class the other day where I had to pretend I'm being interviewed for something. My audience? The writers room at SNL. I gave me speech and this girl who has sat next to me this entire semester said TO MY FACE, and IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS, "I would hire you. You have the personality and skills that show you're a great person to work with and that you know your stuff".  THEN, when I sat down she said to me, "you'll work for SNL one day. I'm positive". LIKE HOW DO YOU KNOW?? IT'S ONLY MY DREAM. But if I could *dazzle* one person with my personality then I can *dazzle* Lorne Michaels. Right?? AND THEN it happened again. Two days ago when I was visiting the MSU Hillel, I met a freshman and started talking to her. My friend said to her, "she's gonna be on SNL one day". THEN the girl says TO MY FACE, "Oh yeah I can see that". EXCUSE ME?!?!?! YOU CAN SEE THAT? Just by the 5 minute conversation we've had? This is the *dazzle* that I'm talking about friends. IT'S A FLUKE I TELL YOU.

But the real kicker is the support I get from my FAMILY. This is how I KNOW something is up. My family is WAY too supportive of me changing my life to become a comedian. There is NO WAY that an average, Jewish-American family would be this supportive of me wanting to do comedy FOR A LIVING. I mean shiiiiitttt. Everyone knew I wasn't gonna be a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer. I wasn't gonna do something that really racked in the big bucks. That's not my style and I get bored easily. To tell my family that I wanted to not only work for television, BUT that I WANTED to ~struggle~ to become a comedian, I sounds insane. I was expecting my Nana to give me the look. Like, "Lindsey! I hope you know what you're doing". BUT NO. What did she do? She was EXCITED for me. She smiles every time we talk about my "new" life and even LAUGHS at my jokes. I know I should've given her more credit because I am the *favorite* grandchild (sorry Syd, Jon, and Matt. You know it's true) and I could do no wrong. But I guess I just expected the reactions to be like the movies. Oh you want to be a comedian? Well, good luck with that. It's hard. And all LIKE DO YOU WANT TO GIVE YOUR PAPA A HEART ATTACK?!?! Everything is fine though. The support is RIDICULOUS. A FLUKE.

Do't get me started on my parents and sister (they deserve a new paragraph). First of all, my sister tells all her friends about how funny I am and how I'm gonna do big things. It's a lot of fucking pressure man. BUT I LOVE IT. Because I am funny!!(??) I am gonna do big things!! I am going to let her stay in my guest house whenever she wants!!! Then there's my PARENTS. (Lainie and Bini, for the new fans) No parent wants their kid to become a comedian. Don't listen to what anyone tells you. This is how I know something is not right in the system: my parents not only support me becoming a comedian, but they encourage me and find every opportunity for me to gain more knowledge and skills. FLUKE. I wanted to sign up for improv classes at iO. (LEVEL 2 BABBAYYYY) Both of my parents are all for it and call me after class every week to ask how its going and if there are any other classes I wanted to take and that I should sign up for them ASAP. EVERY WEEK PEOPLE. I want to move to LA and (hopefully) work for late night TV and practice doing stand-up. What do they say? GO FOR IT. Go for it? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! My own parents! A FLUKE!!!

But here's the thing... I cannot thank the people in my life enough for the amount of love and support I get. Achieving your dreams is hard. Especially when your dreams seem impossible. But the amount of encouragement and determination I get from my friends and family is ridiculous. They seem to think I can actually do it. And you know what? I KNOW I can do it. I know that one day my whole family will join me on the red carpet for some event. I know that my friends will be there holding my hand during the countless rejections I'll receive. I know that my sister will bring all her friends to my stand-up debut. I know my parents will sell the house and move into my guest house even though they don't like California. I know that my best friend will be there to pick out my clothes for every important event because she has more style then I will ever have. Most importantly, I know that the people who believe in me will be the reasons that I one day live my dream. 

Because I know I can do it. And I KNOW that everyone in my life is along for the ride.
So, thank you.

Currently OBSESSED with the musical SIX. It's coming to Chicago this summer and the soundtrack is amazing and I can't stop listening. Check it out.

Also, QUEEN Aidy Bryant just released a series on Hulu called Shrill. It's an amazing ode to big girls everywhere and everyone should watch it because it is such an important story about self-love and self worth.

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