Wednesday, May 15, 2019


And just like that. The grades are in, the items are moved out, and the sun has been shining. That's a wrap on my junior year of college and first year at Columbia College Chicago. I also finished up my semester internship at a production company and it was a blast. I am pumped to move forward.

It has been a wild one and I thank all the brave souls who have been along for the ride with me.
So what's next? What am I doing here?

Well, loyal readers, I'm spending the summer in the city. I'm a bit nervous because I have never had a Chicago summer but I am excited nevertheless. I am taking two classes so that I'll be able to graduate on time. I cannot WAIT to be done with school. I am so over grades and being in class. I just want to jump into the world and succeed or fail without a letter mark.
I posted this picture on Instagram for the 20th anniversary of 10 Things I Hate About You and the WRITER commented on it and followed ME. WHAT A DREAMMM.

On top of the TWO classes, I also have a job AND an internship. I work as a hostess at iO Theater and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I wanted to be there more and be around improv so things are going great. Also, I need some cheddar cheese in my pockets. My internship is with the Chicago Comedy Film Festival.  I'm not 100% sure what it entails yet because I have my orientation on Monday but I believe I will be watching movies and rating them. WHAT A PAIN, RIGHT?!?! I'm really excited that I'm doing things that involve the comedy scene in Chicago and look forward to the work I do and the learning experiences.

I'll also be continuing my improv classes and hopefully picking up the writing class in the next term.

Essentially, I'm trying to keep busy. I'm trying to gain experience and knowledge so that when I leave the comfort of an academic institution, I feel ready to take on the next chapter.

I have a few other things on my list for this summer. The first is to walk around more and explore the city. I've lived right next to Chicago my entire life and feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of all its glory. My goal is to find fun (and hopefully free) things to do and explore! Additionally, I plan to write in my free time. I have a couple ideas in my brain that I want to get down on paper and write into sketches or even pilots. The more I write the better I'll be, but I can't get any better if the ideas stay circulating in my mind. I intend on write A LOT. Scripts, short stories, poems, etc...

I haven't worked at iO very long but when asking me about myself everyone asked if I "do comedy". I don't do comedy. I want to do comedy and I want to be comedic. I take improv classes and my goal is to do comedy professional but the answer is no. I don't "do it". Well maybe I should start. No one is funny right off the bat. It takes a bit to get used to it and find your rhythm. One of my coworkers told me I should just do it. That its never too early to start and you can start by just performing something in front of your friends and family. I've bee working on a stand up bit and it needs some tweaking but maybe I'll be able to perform it sometime this summer. YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE.

And you know, Lorne Michaels isn't gonna hire me if I don't produce content. Pete Davidson was hired when he was 19 so I like to keep that in the back of my mind.

Anyway, I'm also waiting to hear back from Semester In LA. The program where I can spend an entire semester studying in LA, next spring. Fingers crossed.

People keep asking me what I want to do and what my endgame is. Well, I want to make people laugh. In the future, the goal is to be writing  or producing a Sitcom or sketch show. But after graduation, I don't care what I'm doing as long as it has something to do with the entertainment industry and making people laugh. I'll work as a waitress, a barista, a whatever in order to make ends meet just as long as I can also be a PA or intern or ANYTHING that contributes to a program, performance, podcast, etc.., that puts a smile on someones face. Pay your dues.

That's it. That's the goal in life. That's what would make me happy. That's what I think I'm good at and that is all I want to do. It might seem silly. It's not very secure but I'm not a quitter and I'm not one to settle for something that isn't my dream.

I intend on accomplishing my goals and doing great things. I hope you'll all be along for the ride with me. It's all about who you know and what you can do. I know a lot of people, and I know I can do whatever I set my mind to.

I'm excited for this summer and for what the future holds.
jUsT gEt Me OuT oF sChOoL!!!


Go watch The Umbrella Academy on Netflix and LetterKenny on Hulu. BIG fan of these two.

ALSO WINE COUNTRY ON NETFLIX YOU GUYSSSS. Support female comedians and female directors!! It's also an EXCELLENT film!!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy & excited to be on this journey with you!! I love you!!
