Sunday, July 21, 2019

Juuly Juuly

Wowee hello people with eyes!

I have finished my summer school classes and its now officially summer!! Woo hoo! Summer 2019!! The summer of fun!!

Kidding my dear readers. It's too hot to have fun. I walk outside and become a puddle of perspiration. I try and adventure to the river to sit and write and I can't make it more than 5 blocks without my underwear getting soaked in sweat.

But nevertheless, I persist. With my two internships, job, writing and improv classes. I keep moving forward.

Things are going pretty well for me. I live a night life. That is something I never thought I would say. I sleep in a bit every day, get up, workout (maybe), eat something, and then begin whatever the task is for the day. It's usually writing. I either sit on my couch or walk to the river. Or walk to the river then sit on my couch. Right now I'm sitting on the couch at iO theater. I have improv class in an hour and then work right after. Night life.

So, my days are pretty relaxed but still seem hectic. I'm constantly moving and writing. The switch in my brain is always on. I always have a pad of paper and a pen on me,

Right now, I am in the July group of Treehouse at the iO theater. Our last show this month is this Thursday at 10:00pm so check me out. I'm also auditioning for a new team so I am pumped about that. My first audition!! What an awesome opportunity!!

I'm just pretty tired. I don't like wasting my day sleeping. I want to get out and walk around and write and watch TV. I should be able to catch up on sleep this week so that's awesome

Work? Yes working is good. The people I work with are amazing and I actually enjoy coming in every night. The nights I'm not working I miss being at the theater and being around all the funny people.

I'm trying to write jokes right now. For my writing class and for practice. I've also tried writing a stand-up set and its HARD. Mad props to all my peeps who can write stand-up. I wrote a draft and didn't like it so I'm in the process of edits. And I'm also in the process of outlining a pilot, writing sketches, and creating two-liners that can be used in talk shows. Just a busy bee.

I went to the Virgil Abloh exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art yesterday and my goodness! Fashion is so cool! This mans brain is so cool! And he's so young! I can't wait to see what he does in the future. I HIGHLY suggest checking it out. The way he brands his clothing, and his art pieces are magnificent.

I got to see my BFF Marisa for the first time in MONTHS the other day and I was way too excited for the 4 hours we spent together. How lucky am I that I have a BFF that I can laugh with for hours and miss so much while we're apart.

We went to a dinner for our friends' birthday and I was talking about my job, and my improv and writing classes and she started to get a smile on her face. I'm like what is going on. And she said that it makes her so happy to listen to me talk about what I love. :)

To be honest, not much else is going on. A constant cycle of working, writing, and doing improv. OH, also watching film submission for my internship. That's another part of the cycle. Like I said, I try to stay busy by walking around and going to Grant Park or something.

I guess that's it for now my friends and fans. See you soon mah dudes.

Don't forget to love each other. The world is a scary place and we must all take care of one another.

My Reccomendations:

FLEABAG on Amazon
This is some of the most genius writing I have ever heard. It's only two seasons (12 episodes) and they don't plan on making more. It's hilarious and heart wrenching at the same time. A 10/10 from me.

ALL EYES ON US on Netflix
Y'all if you want to get emotional and see some ridiculously amazing performances, watch this baby. It's nominated for a million Emmy's so don't you want to see what all the hype is about? Try not to fall in love with Jharrel Jerome after watching this bad boy. Ava DuVernay is a GENIUS.

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