Monday, September 23, 2019

Boom Boom Boom

In a shocking turn of events, I can't sleep! So it is 1:06 AM on the morning of September 23rd, and I am beginning another legendary blog post that will entertain the masses.

At this time two days ago I slammed my head very hard against the wall behind my bed and it has not stopped hurting since. I think that it is also exaggerated a bit because I have been feeling under the weather. And when that happens, a headache is usually the first symptom to bloom. Here I am, 1:09 AM on a Monday morning, with a throbbing head. I am doing everything I shouldn't be doing. I am staring at a screen, and I am thinking. But, I have all day tomorrow, after my class and homework, to lay and do nothing so I'll take care of myself in about 12 hours.

We are nearing the end of September and thus, nearing the end of my third least favorite month of the year. I am both excited and dreading the months to come because I enjoy my classes and my extra curriculars, but I loathe the spooky season. I am a generally jumpy person, its something I have been trying to work on, among other things.

Spooky season is when people think its fun to scare the bejesus out of you, and since I am easily scared, I get it a lot. I pledge to try my best to avoid the jumps and concentrate on the good things that are happening in the coming months. I do not have time for the childish games. I am working hard and THAT is show biz babbbyyy.

In case you do not subscribe to my life, or are not friends with my mom on Facebook, I would like to inform my readers that I am now a senior in college. My mom started crying when I left home because she couldn't believe how old I was already. Frankly, I feel like I've been in college for 10 years. There have been so many twists and turns that it seems like time sped up, but I had to stay in school.

My sister is coming back home to run a half marathon, which means she's a psycho. Running for fun is not something a sane person does and nobody can convince me otherwise. It's a concept I cannot wrap my head around, like gravity, or having to pay for tampons. I just don't get it. Nevertheless, I am happy to see her because as I say in every message to someone I haven't seen in while, "it's been a minute".

I'm creating pitches and pitch decks for one of my classes, which probably makes no sense to the majority of the people reading this. Just know that its homework, but I am having fun because I am developing and then talking about a TV show of MY creation...for homework. Exciting stuff happening at art school. Super happy I'm not "solving equations", or "studying for a test", or "writing an article about something I have no interest in but I know my teacher would enjoy so I'll do it anyway". College is WHACK y'all.

Fleabag just won all the Emmy's so please go watch the masterpiece and then watch Phoebe Waller-Bridge on SNL in a few weeks. A brilliant woman who is everything I dream to be and more. Also, shout out to my future boyfriend Jharrel Jerome on his Emmy win. The most well deserved award for a performance that still makes my heart ache. I'll see you in LA.

I am currently using my free time to re watch Teen Wolf on Amazon Prime and its probably one of the best decisions I've made in the past few months. I am again reminded of the incredible performance of my other future boyfriend, Dylan O'Brien. I will also see you in LA.

Your girl isn't getting tied down. There are some issues that have to be taken care of if that's ever going to happen but until then, all 6 of my future boyfriends will happily coexist with each other.

Lindsey, what is with the title of this post. Well thank you for asking. Just for a time check, it is now 1:32 AM and I have class at 9:00 AM. Continuing.
The title of this post is "boom boom boom". Now, I have a Career Strategies class that meets 5 times this semester. The first class was two weeks ago, I have it again on Friday, once in October, and twice in November. I did take some notes in that class but I mostly remember TWO things my instructor said:
1) When talking about something that people won't care about in an interview he said, "I don't give a rat's dog about that". Now, from my experience, the saying is "rat's ass". This man said "rat's dog". Isn't that just amazing? So I wrote it down.

2) When referring to the steps of something, he would insert "boom boom boom" For example, "so you apply for the internship, and boom boom boom, you get it". He said this AT LEAST 5 times during that class. It was absolutely incredible. So I wrote it down.

And that loyal readers, is why the title of this post is Boom Boom Boom. We are in the in between phase of a number of things. I am in the Boom Boom Boom.

Thank you everyone you've been a great audience. I'm Lindsey Rose Rabinowitz, hope you have a great night!

Peace out mah dudez.
(End post at 1:39 AM)

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