Sunday, February 23, 2020

H0LLYW00D @rts

Hello from Hollywood-Land!

I am currently sitting in my bed looking at writing fellowships to apply to so, essentially, I am officially an adult.

My body hurts because I went roller skating Friday and I have not been skating since Sydney Roth's birthday part in like sixth grade. It did not go well. I could barely skate and I fell on my BOOTY. My wrists fell behind me and my tummy popped out of my shirt. BUT...I did it in STYLE.

So now, my body is sore, my butt hurts, and my wrists might definitely be sprained. But, hey. That's showbiz baby.

Saturday we went on a tour of Warner Brothers and everyone was saying that they thought it was so long and it WASN'T LONG ENOUGH. I could've hid out there for days and just kept getting on those elongated golf carts. Very disappointed that we saw NO Scooby related content but I guess I'll just have to go back.
What else have I been up to?

Class and internship babbyy. Classes are grand and I'm writing a pilot about being in a bottom tier sorority so that should be fUnNN. My other two classes are whatevs. One is an internship class that I only have to go to 5 times during the semester and the other is a speaker class where cool people in the industry come to talk to us. It's interesting but I basically just have to show up and take in the wisdom. SoO I'm concentrating on my comedy writing class and going with the flow. My classmates have some silly ideas and I'm excited for them to get developed. You're all in for a treat once we all get jobs in comedy writing. These kids are the bees knees.

Internship is SICK. I signed a NDA so I can't tell you anything but, essentially, we're making magic. I'm reading and researching and pitching and getting to know some great people in the industry. Pictures to come of me on the America Ninja Warrior set.

Some other cool things I've done?
My roommates and I spent a day in Santa Monica and that was fun because one of them had never seen the ocean. We walked on Hollywood Blvd., hiked Runyon Canyon, and have walked around countless places. We live across from The Grove so that's fun.

OOOOOOH. yes yes yes. I went to watch a rehearsal of The Connors. Me and a kid from my class were the only two who signed up so we drove from class to Warner Brothers studio, stood outside for 35 minutes and then watched the 30 minute rehearsal. Magic. It was the rehearsal of their live show, if anyone is a fan. There's a hype man that gets the crowd going so we laugh loud and stuff and he started playing the beginning of "Rapper's Delight" to get us pumped. He then said "does anyone know the words" and I shot my hand up. I got up and went to stand with him in the aisle, the crowd said "Hi Lindsey" and then he handed me the microphone. And I KILLED the first two verses. I was moving up and down the aisle and getting the crowd going while they clapped along to the beat. Then he cut me off and THANK GOODNESS because when Hank comes to sing that song I get the verses all mixed up. SoO I walked away with a hat and QUITE a memory.

I kid you not the weekend I moved in was when Kobe and his daughter passed away. A very somber time but, some great street art has popped up around the city. All the buses have RIP KOBE on them and every one of those Wheels bikes that you can use with an app has a sticker of him. It's been quite beautiful to see the city come together.

OH DUDE. I went to the Hollywood Amoeba music store and spent way too much money. They have the coolest posters and so many CDs I just couldn't help myself. My dad and I went to the one in San Francisco years ago and thought it was the coolest thing ever and the Hollywood one did not disappoint. My room feels like mine now that I am surrounded by pictures of the cast of Animal House, Dazed and Confused, and Blondie.

My PARENTS are coming into town! Woot woot! 3/4 Bini's in Los Angeles taking on the sunshine and palm trees. (sorry Syd) Should be a fun time for all.

What's coming up?
I don't even know y'all. I think more tours, more tapings, more everything.

Any celebrity sightings?
Jacob Elordi
Bo Burnham
Nicole Scherzinger

What am I watching?

Indebted on NBC
You guyz this show is HILARIOUS. There have only been two episodes so catch the heck UP!!!

Locke & Key on Netflix
If you like magic then THIS is a great show for you. I watched all 10 episodes in one day and I LOVED it. It really drew me in

That's kind of it besides my usual shows like The Goldbergs, Schooled, The Magicians, Legacies, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, etc...