Thursday, March 5, 2020


Today is my 22nd birthday. I have decided to make my 22nd year of life better than the first 21.


Let's make it a good one.
Let's make more decisions that lead to happiness.
Let's dress how you want to dress.
Let's listen to the music that you want to listen to.
Let's talk the way you want to talk.
Let's write what you want to write.
Let's tell the people that you love that you love them.

Let's dance in the rain.
Let's cry tears of pain and tears of joy.
Let's relax and spend more time outside.
Let's laugh and surround yourself with people who make you smile.

Let's have the sunshine hit your skin and spread positive vibes through your veins.
Let's tell the people who put you down that you won't allow it anymore.
Let's do more things that scare you.
Let's take risks and fail.
Let's take risks and succeed.

Let's stop and smell the roses more often.
Let's put your feet in the ocean even though you're afraid.
Let's reach for the stars and never stop.
Let's spread happiness to everyone you meet.
Let's keep up the good work, but keep improving.

Let's make this your year and not settle for anything less.

It's time to start appreciating me and living fearlessly. Life's too short to be anything but happy.

Here's a pic of me from 3 years ago to ring in the occasion.


1 comment:

  1. If you were to write this today, what would it say...?
