Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Everything is FINE

It has been exactly ONE MONTH since I up and left apartment MJ in Tower 33 of Park La Brea.

What am I doing?  I'm sitting in my bedroom listening to One Direction surrounded by all my stuffed animals and the holes in my walls that have the faint memories of photo frames and decorative art.
It's 2012 baby!

I've been doing my classes online since March 16th. Los Angeles announced their stay inside mumbo jumbo on the 13th. I got an email from my program saying we all must be out of our housing by March 25th. On March 22nd at 7:00pm I touched down in sweet home Chicago.

Answers to a couple questions I bet you have:
1) My car is still in Los Angeles with the majority of my stuff. My beautifully kind friend Jill offered to let my stuff sit in her garage while we wait out the madness.
2) My classes are online AND my internship is online. I am still interning for the fabulous A.Smith & Co. Productions. I am doing less work but we have Zoom calls every week to check in and I ALWAYS look forward to them.
3) I have not left my home to do anything but go on a walk. I walk between 3-5 miles every other day or so. Gotta keep the legs moving, and keep my sanity intact.

I'm going to answer your last two questions not in list format. Listing things in an article or post is lazy writing. Don't let anyone tell you different.

I'm using this time to my advantage. I have been reading a lot, watching panels with TV executives and writers, and writing a lot. Scripts, articles, etc... I was looking for more time to be creative and I found it. Obviously these are less that ideal circumstances but free time is free time. I've been using my blank walls to tape up ideas and outlines for scripts, which adds a little flavor to my bland room. I've been taking two baths a day because WHY THE HELL NOT!?! You can't stop me. Also, they calm me down. How can I not be stressed right now? I'm college senior who is supposed to be on a program that was going to give me a leg up in my industry and get me more comfortable in the entertainment world. I should be sipping on margarita's on the beach, seeing exclusive screenings, and "accidentally" running into celebrities. Instead, I'm teaching my parents how to use Zoom and sipping on whatever beer my dad tells me I "have to try".

Like I said, I'm trying to use this time to my advantage. I don't have to finish a script in a day. I can lounge around, rewatch Community, and eat another Poptart without any consequences. I've been looking and applying to jobs just to trick my mind into thinking I'm "making moves". We don't know what's going on. But I do know that I need a job after this is over soOo...

I've been looking for different online magazines or sites that I can write articles for so if you know of any that I can submit to HIT ME UP. Would love to get some sort of portfolio of published work going for future employers. I don't think the article about education I wrote for the MSU website three years ago is gonna cut it for "experience".

So what's next?
Well my friends and foes, who knows? I have come to a very important realization the other day though that I don't think I'm ready to move to Los Angeles. I don't think I'm ready for the high stress and glamour of it all. I'll be ready eventually, but this might not be my time. If I was still in LA on my program things would be different. I would have convinced myself that I had to stay. I was already there so what's the point of leaving?

But I believe everything happens for a reason. The reason for the coronavirus in its entirety, I'm lost. Me having to move home was a blessing in disguise. I loved living in the city. I loved the little life I created and the things I was involved in. I loved taking the CTA wherever I needed to go. I just really enjoyed it.

I loved my time in LA. But, I'm not ready for that. One day. I'll be back there one day. But for my own mental health and happiness, I gotta do something else.

Right now, I am very thankful for my walks with my girl Rachel. We chat through everything and that's exactly what I need. I'm thankful for my dads love of grilling. Ribs, beer can chicken, steak, potatoes, etc...I never go to bed hungry. I'm thankful that my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are safe and healthy. I'm thankful that my sister has friends to keep her company. Real friends and TV Friends. I'm thankful I get time to breathe and listen to music. I'm thankful for all the hard workers on the front line risking it all for our safety. (STAY HOME EVERYONE) I'm thankful that I have this time to think and dream. And write and be creative.

I don't know when this will start to dwindle and end. So I'm gonna use it as much as I can. Then, someday, I'll be able to tell the story about all the stuff I did in quarantine.

What am I watching?
Not a lot. I'm writing and reading more. I'm trying to finish Mad Men...it's only been four months. I'm rewatching shows that I enjoy so I don't have to fully commit and focus on other stuff. Although, Community just came out on Netflix so I will be watching that in my free time. I watched Spenser Confidential the other day and that was good. Great cast, exciting plot. That's really all you can ask for in a 2 hour movie. It dragged on in some parts though. Post Malone is in it so that got me pumped.

Everyone should be downloading Quibi and giving it a shot. I have it downloaded but have not started watching anything. Lots of great talent and content in a new way of streaming. Gotta give it a chance before my 90 day free trial is up.

Listen to Dax Shepard's podcast "Armchair Expert". It's excellent.

That's all I got for now mah dudez. Stay safe and stay inside. It's not fair to ask our healthcare workers to risk their lives and then us turn around and be careless. We're all going through it and we're all going crazy. You're not special.

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