Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Guy Friends

So far it's been very hard to make guy friends in college. Mostly because during rush you can't go out and there are no boys on my floor. So like i said, very hard. It makes me appreciate all my best guy friends throughout the years.

I've always been someone with a lot of guy friends. It's nice to get away from all the estrogen sometimes. Taking random drives to get ice cream or slurpees is also a plus. It's important to have guy friends in your life because they give you a different perspective on situations. Who would have thought that a male's mind is different than a female's mind?!? Whoa.

Anyway, moving on. I'd like to give appreciation to the boys that have set quite high expectations for any of my future guy friends.

My TAF(you know who you are). Him and I facetimed for about an hour the other night ad for 40 minutes of it we couldn't hear one another. Even when I left to go to the bathroom he stayed on until I got back. I'm his biggest fan and he knows it. Thank you for all the nights driving around and doing carpool karaoke to One Direction songs. I legitimately didn't know what I was going do without talking to him everyday but the constant snapchats and text messages have made it easier.

The BFF/Prom Date. I know you hate me but I appreciate your friendship. I am also sorry I got you in a car accident and you have permission to throw it in my face whenever you want. Thanks for being there when I need a laugh or someone to talk to. You're the bomb and I miss you.

Then there's the neighborhood best friend. :) Hope you're enjoying yourself in my dream home. Also, any future male friends have some big shoes to fill. I miss you a lot and I thank you for staying my friend and only a 2 minute walk away. Also, I appreciate that fact that even if I don't tell you I'm coming over, your family always answers the door and lets me in. It's nice. I don't know what I'm going to do in the future when you're never a few steps away from me. This is good practice until then. I guess flying to Boulder won't be too bad.

The best guy friends are the ones that have been around forever. The ones who met you when you were a little girl. The ones who stuck with you throughout your awkward teen years and have your back forever and always.

I'm talking about the ones who move far away from you to Texas and California. (just examples :P) I'd have to make some pretty damn good guy friends here in order to have my "college twins". It's no secret how much these two boys mean to me. I could spend hours and hours with them and never get bored. They are some of the most genuinely kind people I know and they'll be so successful with everything they do.

All in all, guy friends are the greatest. They have your back and make you laugh when you need it. They're always there to add something a little different to the conversation. I recently tweeted that I need more male college friends. Seriously. I miss all my guy friends and need people to fill there spots until I get to see them again. :( Not replacements. Just spot fillers or maybe additions to my appreciations..?  You never know.

Thank you to all of the guy best friends who have shaped my life. Now where are these "lifelong" college guy friends everyone is always talking about?!?!

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Rush Process

Hold onto your hats everyone. This is going to be a long and wild ride.

I went into the recruitment process with an open mind and a positive attitude. Rush is a draining and highly emotional rollercoaster so being negative wasn't going to help the situation. After visiting all the houses I didn't know how to choose which ones I liked. They were all so nice and similar. But I had to choose 10 so I did. The next day, (Sunday) I received my schedule and was a bit disappointed. The three houses that I thought I had great conversations with didn't ask me back for the second round. Like I said, it sucks. But, it's not worth sulking over because there were seven other houses that thought I could be one of their sisters.

If anything, I want to thank the houses that "dropped" me. I appreciate it because they know better than me if I would fit in their house and I don't want to end up with a group of girls that I can't relate to. Also, the phrase "dropped" is ridiculous. It doesn't even make sense. I wasn't dropped. I simply was not selected to come back to the house. Which, like I said, is a blessing in disguise.

I had a great second round. All seven houses were awesome and I was so happy to have been asked back to them. At the end of the day I had to pick my top six, and I did. I wouldn't get my schedule for next round until the following Saturday so the next couple of days I could do nothing but wait.

My sister was a rho gamma throughout the recruitment process. This means that during rush she was unaffiliated with her chapter and was there to make the lives of those going through recruitment easier.

A few days after round 2, my sister got a call on her way to class. The recruitment chair of her sorority told her that I would not be asked back to their house for the third round even though I was considered a legacy in the house. The rest of the day my sister cried her eyes out trying to figure out how to tell me. She came to my dorm and dropped the news. I was not going to be her sorority sister.

Obviously that fucking sucks. We both cried for a bit but eventually it just ended with me being furious. I want you to try and put yourself in both of our positions. My sister, a loyal member to her house, was put in the position where she had to tell her own sister that she will not be asked back to the sorority that she has dedicated her last three years to. And then there's my end. I have to live with the fact that, even though I'm a legacy, that house didn't want me. I have to explain it to all my friends that although my own bloodline is in the house, I wasn't asked back for the next round. Honestly it's the most shitty feeling I have ever felt in my entire life and I cannot believe that anyone could have the heart to put me and my sister through what they have put us through. The embarrassment and hurt that I am feeling is enormous.

But thinking about it, I'm happy that I'm not in that house. I'm glad that I found out now what kind of people are now inhabiting that chapter instead of figuring it out next year when this situation happens to someone else. I am also incredibly furious at the entire situation mostly because of the principle of it but like I said, there's no point of getting too upset. This could be one of the only situations where I'm actually mad and NOT disappointed.

I don't want to be a part of a group that have such a huge lack of respect for their fellow sisters. I wish you all the best of luck with trying to keep your house together. I'll be over here having fun with sisters who actually appreciate me and building whichever house I am in, to the top.

In the third round I was asked back to two houses. I already knew which one I was going to be in. One of the houses I couldn't see myself in and the other one already felt like home. (and I was already close friends with a lot of the girls through other activities) It was a little discouraging at first considering the round before I had 7 houses which meant that 5 dropped me. But hey, stay positive. Trust the process.

On preference day I went back to those same two houses. The rituals were sweet and meaningful. The first house, once again, I couldn't see myself in. The girls are so nice and amazing but it didn't feel like the place for me. I went to the second house and saw some of my friends on the lawn. They were in the same group as me for this house. I stood next to one of my best friends in line and shuffled on in. The girl rushing me is one of the best friends of my friend in the house. She took me in her room and we talked. Literally, we just talked. There was no pressure and I wasn't uncomfortable. We were talking like two friends who were meeting for coffee.

When it was time for the preference ceremony, we walked down to the basement. I got to see the beautiful house and felt the homey feeling I was waiting for. But, what really got me was what was in the basement. On each of the white chairs, laid a single yellow rose. I started freaking out. Yellow roses are my thing. Ask any of my friends and family. The girl that was rushing me was like yeah it's our symbol and I'm like I don't think you understand. I have a tattoo of a rose and if I was going to color it, it would be yellow. It's my thing. So, OBVIOUSLY, it's a sign. The symbol of this sorority was a single yellow rose and THAT'S what did it. That pushed me over the edge.

When we left, we took a petal off the rose and made a wish in the fountain. As we were leaving, the active I was paired with said she "hopes my wish was the same as hers." This house wanted me. And I wanted to be in that house.

I called my sister and told her I was freaking out and about the yellow rose. She responds by saying, "LIN". She knew it too. It was meant to be. Tears started forming in her eyes as I was talking to her and honestly, they were in my eyes too. After the heartache, I found my home. All I had to do is submit that house on my preference form and hope they write me a bid.

Monday, September 19th: Bid Day. I suicide rushed that one house. I didn't get a call at any point that day, so I knew I was in. The house I loved wanted me back, and wanted me as their sister and I was over the moon with happiness.

What I have learned is screw the haters. People won't like you and that's okay because eventually you'll find your place. Also, don't let people push you or your family around. Yeah I'm still bitter about what that house put me and my sister through and the house will forever have a bad stigma in my eyes but also thanks for not letting me in your house. Like I said, I don't want to be with people who treat their members and their siblings like that.

Thank you to the 13 houses who didn't ask me back. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have found my new home.

I'm happy to be a Sig Delt.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Appreciation Post: The Best Friends

There are some people that you just know are going to be in your life forever. College is difficult because you're basically moving away from everything you know and love and living in a new place all by yourself. Luckily, some of the life long friends that I have made over the past 18 years living in suburban Chicago have stuck with me throughout my experience so far. None of my home best friends go to school anywhere near me but I know that they're always a text away.

I have one friend who is my pick me up. I met her freshman year of high school and ever since then she's been like my twin. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, she's the one I call. She sends me a text everyday of positive quotes and they always put a smile on my face. I know she'll always be there cheering for me when things go well and sending me a bouquet of yellow roses if things don't go my way.

Things have been a bit difficult for me and my oldest best friend over the past couple of months. She goes to school in Arizona and she actually moved there in June. I was at camp when she moved so I wouldn't have gotten to spend the summer with her anyway. I think about when I come home for holidays and that she won't always be there. That's the biggest change for me. It's not moving away from home, or living on my own, it's that my best friend will no longer be a short car ride away. The good thing is that we have modern technology. Our constant snapchats, facetimes, and texts make it feel like I'm with her. I already booked my plane ticket for spring break and I cannot wait to be back with my girl.

It's nice to be able to facetime my friends whenever I want. Whether they're in class, in a hammock, laying in bed, or hanging out with friends, they're always there for a quick chat and catch up. I'm very thankful for the amazing friends that I made the past 18 years and I'm excited to introduce them to the friends I make in the next four. I appreciate all the things that my best friends have done for me and I cannot wait until I get to give them big hugs. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Going Out

Let me tell you how cozy my bed is. It's like getting a thousand hugs from a million clouds. There's nothing like snuggling up in my cloud and watching a couple episodes of Portlandia while eating some popcorn and drinking some juice. I could do it everyday.

I made a promise to myself that once I got to college I wouldn't be so stubborn and that I would step out of my comfort zone. No longer would I be in bed at 8pm watching Netflix every night. NO. Lindsey Rose will be out on the town. Fucking shit up and creating memories.

I broke my promise. I've been at college a week and I have "gone out" approximately two times. Neither of those times involved illegal substances and I was back in my dorm by 1:00am. I know right? Rebel. The second time I actually left before everyone else and just curled up in my bed.

"Going out" is term I hear at least 12 times a day since I've been at college.
I have come to the conclusion that "going out" isn't everything. This may be me trying to justify not wanting to be around drunk slobs all night but it's true. It's perfectly okay to stay in every once in a while. What I have noticed is a problem is that I stay in too often. I haven't gotten the college experience yet.

Now I'm not at college so I can get drunk and miss class everyday. I'm at college to learn and to make myself more prepared for the real world. But of course I want to have fun and jump around to loud music while dripping in sweat. I promise I'm cool guys. I just like my alone time sometimes. Okay all the time. I swear I'm trying to work on it. Like I have said earlier, I was never much of a "going out" person in high school. New year, new me! Maybe. There's still time.

Anyway, I refuse to feel badly for wanting to stay in and cuddle in my cloud. I won't apologize for not always feeling comfortable with going out. I will say that my lack of stepping out of my comfort zone is a problem. College is for trying new things. I don't mean a new Netflix show. I mean doing things you never thought you'd do. For me, it's going out. Frats, beer, boys, loud rap music, sweat, girls wearing minimal clothing, and good times. The whole sha-bang.

Going out may seem bizarre but never leaving your dorm room doesn't make for any interesting stories either.


First Day of 13th Grade

I started my first day of 13th grade like every other freshman trying to find their way around campus: with maps open on my phone. I had to pretend like I knew where I was going so I could fit into the flow of things. Drenched in sweat and barely breathing, I eventually found the chemistry building. This was it. This was my first college class.

BONES! My first class was about studying bones. Intro to Archaeology. A little fact about me is that I am a nerd when it comes to history. Especially archaeological findings. Machu Picchu? LOVE IT. Terracotta Warriors? My favorite. Anyway, I was very excited to start my day off with a topic I like so much. I actually made a friend! I think. Well, I guess she's my archaeology buddy. Whatever same thing.

The rest of my day was a pretty standard first day. I had a math lecture where the professor couldn't work the microphone so no one heard anything. Then my writing professor told us to call her by her first name. All in all, the day went smoothly. I enjoyed  it and was ready to take on the semester. College didn't seem impossible.

Later in the day was faced with the realization of why I was so nervous about college in the first place. It wasn't the classes. It was the social aspects. I don't know what I was expecting. People have told me that it'll be easy to make friends. There's people on your floor, in your dorm, and in your classes. But, after my first week here, my nervousness seemed logical. Making friends is hard. College is hard.

I wasn't expecting to meet my best friend on the first day. I also didn't think that during weekend I would be sitting on my futon watching movies  and anxiously waiting for Monday to roll around so I could go to class. I don't know what I want from college yet but if the first day was any indication of how my year is going to go then I need to make some changes.

The first day of 2nd grade, I walked into the class knowing some people. I left the class with best friends. The 13th year has just begun. Sure it sucks right now but I'm trying to be optimistic. After all, these are the "best years" of my life.
