Thursday, September 15, 2016

Appreciation Post: The Best Friends

There are some people that you just know are going to be in your life forever. College is difficult because you're basically moving away from everything you know and love and living in a new place all by yourself. Luckily, some of the life long friends that I have made over the past 18 years living in suburban Chicago have stuck with me throughout my experience so far. None of my home best friends go to school anywhere near me but I know that they're always a text away.

I have one friend who is my pick me up. I met her freshman year of high school and ever since then she's been like my twin. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, she's the one I call. She sends me a text everyday of positive quotes and they always put a smile on my face. I know she'll always be there cheering for me when things go well and sending me a bouquet of yellow roses if things don't go my way.

Things have been a bit difficult for me and my oldest best friend over the past couple of months. She goes to school in Arizona and she actually moved there in June. I was at camp when she moved so I wouldn't have gotten to spend the summer with her anyway. I think about when I come home for holidays and that she won't always be there. That's the biggest change for me. It's not moving away from home, or living on my own, it's that my best friend will no longer be a short car ride away. The good thing is that we have modern technology. Our constant snapchats, facetimes, and texts make it feel like I'm with her. I already booked my plane ticket for spring break and I cannot wait to be back with my girl.

It's nice to be able to facetime my friends whenever I want. Whether they're in class, in a hammock, laying in bed, or hanging out with friends, they're always there for a quick chat and catch up. I'm very thankful for the amazing friends that I made the past 18 years and I'm excited to introduce them to the friends I make in the next four. I appreciate all the things that my best friends have done for me and I cannot wait until I get to give them big hugs. :)