Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Guy Friends

So far it's been very hard to make guy friends in college. Mostly because during rush you can't go out and there are no boys on my floor. So like i said, very hard. It makes me appreciate all my best guy friends throughout the years.

I've always been someone with a lot of guy friends. It's nice to get away from all the estrogen sometimes. Taking random drives to get ice cream or slurpees is also a plus. It's important to have guy friends in your life because they give you a different perspective on situations. Who would have thought that a male's mind is different than a female's mind?!? Whoa.

Anyway, moving on. I'd like to give appreciation to the boys that have set quite high expectations for any of my future guy friends.

My TAF(you know who you are). Him and I facetimed for about an hour the other night ad for 40 minutes of it we couldn't hear one another. Even when I left to go to the bathroom he stayed on until I got back. I'm his biggest fan and he knows it. Thank you for all the nights driving around and doing carpool karaoke to One Direction songs. I legitimately didn't know what I was going do without talking to him everyday but the constant snapchats and text messages have made it easier.

The BFF/Prom Date. I know you hate me but I appreciate your friendship. I am also sorry I got you in a car accident and you have permission to throw it in my face whenever you want. Thanks for being there when I need a laugh or someone to talk to. You're the bomb and I miss you.

Then there's the neighborhood best friend. :) Hope you're enjoying yourself in my dream home. Also, any future male friends have some big shoes to fill. I miss you a lot and I thank you for staying my friend and only a 2 minute walk away. Also, I appreciate that fact that even if I don't tell you I'm coming over, your family always answers the door and lets me in. It's nice. I don't know what I'm going to do in the future when you're never a few steps away from me. This is good practice until then. I guess flying to Boulder won't be too bad.

The best guy friends are the ones that have been around forever. The ones who met you when you were a little girl. The ones who stuck with you throughout your awkward teen years and have your back forever and always.

I'm talking about the ones who move far away from you to Texas and California. (just examples :P) I'd have to make some pretty damn good guy friends here in order to have my "college twins". It's no secret how much these two boys mean to me. I could spend hours and hours with them and never get bored. They are some of the most genuinely kind people I know and they'll be so successful with everything they do.

All in all, guy friends are the greatest. They have your back and make you laugh when you need it. They're always there to add something a little different to the conversation. I recently tweeted that I need more male college friends. Seriously. I miss all my guy friends and need people to fill there spots until I get to see them again. :( Not replacements. Just spot fillers or maybe additions to my appreciations..?  You never know.

Thank you to all of the guy best friends who have shaped my life. Now where are these "lifelong" college guy friends everyone is always talking about?!?!

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