Saturday, September 3, 2016

First Day of 13th Grade

I started my first day of 13th grade like every other freshman trying to find their way around campus: with maps open on my phone. I had to pretend like I knew where I was going so I could fit into the flow of things. Drenched in sweat and barely breathing, I eventually found the chemistry building. This was it. This was my first college class.

BONES! My first class was about studying bones. Intro to Archaeology. A little fact about me is that I am a nerd when it comes to history. Especially archaeological findings. Machu Picchu? LOVE IT. Terracotta Warriors? My favorite. Anyway, I was very excited to start my day off with a topic I like so much. I actually made a friend! I think. Well, I guess she's my archaeology buddy. Whatever same thing.

The rest of my day was a pretty standard first day. I had a math lecture where the professor couldn't work the microphone so no one heard anything. Then my writing professor told us to call her by her first name. All in all, the day went smoothly. I enjoyed  it and was ready to take on the semester. College didn't seem impossible.

Later in the day was faced with the realization of why I was so nervous about college in the first place. It wasn't the classes. It was the social aspects. I don't know what I was expecting. People have told me that it'll be easy to make friends. There's people on your floor, in your dorm, and in your classes. But, after my first week here, my nervousness seemed logical. Making friends is hard. College is hard.

I wasn't expecting to meet my best friend on the first day. I also didn't think that during weekend I would be sitting on my futon watching movies  and anxiously waiting for Monday to roll around so I could go to class. I don't know what I want from college yet but if the first day was any indication of how my year is going to go then I need to make some changes.

The first day of 2nd grade, I walked into the class knowing some people. I left the class with best friends. The 13th year has just begun. Sure it sucks right now but I'm trying to be optimistic. After all, these are the "best years" of my life.


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