Tuesday, December 17, 2019

It's time for BIG FUN.

In a not so shocking turn of events, I can't sleep! But, luckily that means I can type and think. I wrote an entire post out a month ago that I was going to add pictures to and post but I never did so it seems irrelevant now.

Here I am world! Alive and well...I think. I go to my doctor this week so we'll find out for sure. So for now, I'm alive and FEELING well! Except for the cold and cough I have and the back pain. You know what? Not important.

What is up mah dudez? I'm a second semester senior and I am so excited to almost be done with my 10 years in college. I feel worn out, aged, and oh so TIRED. My freshman year feels like a lifetime ago and transferring took me to a whole different life.

Well what have I been up to this semester? I had some really cool classes that I worked super hard in and loved. Here's the thing, the stuff we learn and the projects we do are important. I'm not saying the things you did in your college classes aren't important. All your tests and worksheets. I'm just saying that I developed an entire series this semester, wrote a pilot for an entirely different idea, learned how to review films, art, music, etc..., and can use big terms to analyze television. I'm walking away with tangible things to show and work on and make better.

The series I developed was a camp series (obviously) and I created a show with interesting characters, plot lines, settings, and themes. It's not perfect, by any means, but its a start! Now I can manipulate it to be what I want and then write the pilot. AND the pilot I wrote in my other class I LOVE. And now I can revise it and develop a whole series around it. You guys, it's like I'm trying to work in television or something.

I quit my job the week of Thanksgiving and I DON'T want to talk about it. I will say that it was a nice little consistent family that I was brought into for the past 7 months. It's an excellent place to work and also EVERY BODY IS FUNNY. My coworker Chris wrote a post about this after his last day. You go and see a show, of course the performers are funny. BUT, the bartenders, box office, servers, food runners, hosts, EVERY ONE who works there and makes it operate is funny. It's an amazing atmosphere to be around and I'm so glad to have been a part of it.

I had my last performance with my improv team Brunch at the show New Team Smell (Tuesdays @ 10). It was amazing and we closed out the show. My entire family and all my roommates were there and I did a little break dance in the middle of the stage. Then the producers of the show (ily Liz and Miguel) called me back onstage to send me off and gave me hugs and every one clapped and shouted "Lindsey Lindsey" and I ran off stage so overwhelmed by the love. It puts a smile on my face just thinking about it now.

You guys, improv is so fun. You should do it.

So now here's the biggie. In the middle of January I will be packing up my Jeep Compass and roadtripping to La-La-Land (cue Demi Lovato). Me, your girl, Lindsey, will be spending her last semester of college studying and learning from professionals in the biz, smack dab in the middle of all the action. And I CANNOT be more excited.

Of course I'm a little nervous too. I mean, I don't plan on coming back home so I better like it there.

I will be taking classes while also having TWO internships. I chose to do two because I had the time and they're both going to give me a different experience. I'll learn valuable skills from each of them and I'm super pumped to get started. If you wanna know about then feel free to contact me because I'd LOVE to talk about how proud I am of myself. You guys, television is SO cool. There are so many things to learn and I cannot wait! Do not worry I have made friends. At first I had known no one on this program. BUT NOW, I have friends! Some great friends actually and we're already planning fun adventures.

OOH but first, I get to Austin to stay with sister Syd for a week. Yeehaw! Hanging out with Sydney in the sweaty South. There is nothing better.

OMG! In the past month I have seen Nick Kroll, Pete Davidson, AND John Mulaney do stand-up. If you know me at all you know that my LIFE HAS BEEN MADE. Thank you mom, my other mom (Lisa :)), and the JUF.

You guys. I'm gonna miss my roomies SO much. What an absolutely amazing semester I've had with them and I am actually so sad that I won't get to see their faces everyday. The newbie already moved in! I'm gonna facetime them like everyday because I am seriously super bummed. BUT, we are all excited for me so there's that.

And that's it folks. Going to this program and then never coming back. Except to graduate of course. I deserve to walk across that stage. I've been in college for 50 years.

That's all I have to say. Now,  I'm sitting at a Starbucks, drinking a hot cocoa waiting to pick up my friend to go to breakfast. I had to get out of the house because the cleaning service is there but its too early for us to go to breakfast so I'm camping out at the Bucks. BTW, the four story Starbucks Reserve downtown is overrated.


I'm listening to Fine Line by Harry Styles.
Even if you aren't a One Direction fan, give it a listen. It's a masterpiece. My favorite song is Canyon Moon.

I'm watching a lot of things (big shock).
The Toys That Made Us on Netflix is SO COOL. I'm moving on to The Movies That Made Us soon. Still watching Taxi on Hulu. I don't want to finish it because its so good. Finished the 3rd season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on amazon and it is a HOOT. Mom and I cried watching season 5 of Fuller House.

I feel like I'm watching more but I cannot think right now.

Have a great week and peace out mah dudez!!! Be well!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Boom Boom Boom

In a shocking turn of events, I can't sleep! So it is 1:06 AM on the morning of September 23rd, and I am beginning another legendary blog post that will entertain the masses.

At this time two days ago I slammed my head very hard against the wall behind my bed and it has not stopped hurting since. I think that it is also exaggerated a bit because I have been feeling under the weather. And when that happens, a headache is usually the first symptom to bloom. Here I am, 1:09 AM on a Monday morning, with a throbbing head. I am doing everything I shouldn't be doing. I am staring at a screen, and I am thinking. But, I have all day tomorrow, after my class and homework, to lay and do nothing so I'll take care of myself in about 12 hours.

We are nearing the end of September and thus, nearing the end of my third least favorite month of the year. I am both excited and dreading the months to come because I enjoy my classes and my extra curriculars, but I loathe the spooky season. I am a generally jumpy person, its something I have been trying to work on, among other things.

Spooky season is when people think its fun to scare the bejesus out of you, and since I am easily scared, I get it a lot. I pledge to try my best to avoid the jumps and concentrate on the good things that are happening in the coming months. I do not have time for the childish games. I am working hard and THAT is show biz babbbyyy.

In case you do not subscribe to my life, or are not friends with my mom on Facebook, I would like to inform my readers that I am now a senior in college. My mom started crying when I left home because she couldn't believe how old I was already. Frankly, I feel like I've been in college for 10 years. There have been so many twists and turns that it seems like time sped up, but I had to stay in school.

My sister is coming back home to run a half marathon, which means she's a psycho. Running for fun is not something a sane person does and nobody can convince me otherwise. It's a concept I cannot wrap my head around, like gravity, or having to pay for tampons. I just don't get it. Nevertheless, I am happy to see her because as I say in every message to someone I haven't seen in while, "it's been a minute".

I'm creating pitches and pitch decks for one of my classes, which probably makes no sense to the majority of the people reading this. Just know that its homework, but I am having fun because I am developing and then talking about a TV show of MY creation...for homework. Exciting stuff happening at art school. Super happy I'm not "solving equations", or "studying for a test", or "writing an article about something I have no interest in but I know my teacher would enjoy so I'll do it anyway". College is WHACK y'all.

Fleabag just won all the Emmy's so please go watch the masterpiece and then watch Phoebe Waller-Bridge on SNL in a few weeks. A brilliant woman who is everything I dream to be and more. Also, shout out to my future boyfriend Jharrel Jerome on his Emmy win. The most well deserved award for a performance that still makes my heart ache. I'll see you in LA.

I am currently using my free time to re watch Teen Wolf on Amazon Prime and its probably one of the best decisions I've made in the past few months. I am again reminded of the incredible performance of my other future boyfriend, Dylan O'Brien. I will also see you in LA.

Your girl isn't getting tied down. There are some issues that have to be taken care of if that's ever going to happen but until then, all 6 of my future boyfriends will happily coexist with each other.

Lindsey, what is with the title of this post. Well thank you for asking. Just for a time check, it is now 1:32 AM and I have class at 9:00 AM. Continuing.
The title of this post is "boom boom boom". Now, I have a Career Strategies class that meets 5 times this semester. The first class was two weeks ago, I have it again on Friday, once in October, and twice in November. I did take some notes in that class but I mostly remember TWO things my instructor said:
1) When talking about something that people won't care about in an interview he said, "I don't give a rat's dog about that". Now, from my experience, the saying is "rat's ass". This man said "rat's dog". Isn't that just amazing? So I wrote it down.

2) When referring to the steps of something, he would insert "boom boom boom" For example, "so you apply for the internship, and boom boom boom, you get it". He said this AT LEAST 5 times during that class. It was absolutely incredible. So I wrote it down.

And that loyal readers, is why the title of this post is Boom Boom Boom. We are in the in between phase of a number of things. I am in the Boom Boom Boom.

Thank you everyone you've been a great audience. I'm Lindsey Rose Rabinowitz, hope you have a great night!

Peace out mah dudez.
(End post at 1:39 AM)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Juuly Juuly

Wowee hello people with eyes!

I have finished my summer school classes and its now officially summer!! Woo hoo! Summer 2019!! The summer of fun!!

Kidding my dear readers. It's too hot to have fun. I walk outside and become a puddle of perspiration. I try and adventure to the river to sit and write and I can't make it more than 5 blocks without my underwear getting soaked in sweat.

But nevertheless, I persist. With my two internships, job, writing and improv classes. I keep moving forward.

Things are going pretty well for me. I live a night life. That is something I never thought I would say. I sleep in a bit every day, get up, workout (maybe), eat something, and then begin whatever the task is for the day. It's usually writing. I either sit on my couch or walk to the river. Or walk to the river then sit on my couch. Right now I'm sitting on the couch at iO theater. I have improv class in an hour and then work right after. Night life.

So, my days are pretty relaxed but still seem hectic. I'm constantly moving and writing. The switch in my brain is always on. I always have a pad of paper and a pen on me,

Right now, I am in the July group of Treehouse at the iO theater. Our last show this month is this Thursday at 10:00pm so check me out. I'm also auditioning for a new team so I am pumped about that. My first audition!! What an awesome opportunity!!

I'm just pretty tired. I don't like wasting my day sleeping. I want to get out and walk around and write and watch TV. I should be able to catch up on sleep this week so that's awesome

Work? Yes working is good. The people I work with are amazing and I actually enjoy coming in every night. The nights I'm not working I miss being at the theater and being around all the funny people.

I'm trying to write jokes right now. For my writing class and for practice. I've also tried writing a stand-up set and its HARD. Mad props to all my peeps who can write stand-up. I wrote a draft and didn't like it so I'm in the process of edits. And I'm also in the process of outlining a pilot, writing sketches, and creating two-liners that can be used in talk shows. Just a busy bee.

I went to the Virgil Abloh exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art yesterday and my goodness! Fashion is so cool! This mans brain is so cool! And he's so young! I can't wait to see what he does in the future. I HIGHLY suggest checking it out. The way he brands his clothing, and his art pieces are magnificent.

I got to see my BFF Marisa for the first time in MONTHS the other day and I was way too excited for the 4 hours we spent together. How lucky am I that I have a BFF that I can laugh with for hours and miss so much while we're apart.

We went to a dinner for our friends' birthday and I was talking about my job, and my improv and writing classes and she started to get a smile on her face. I'm like what is going on. And she said that it makes her so happy to listen to me talk about what I love. :)

To be honest, not much else is going on. A constant cycle of working, writing, and doing improv. OH, also watching film submission for my internship. That's another part of the cycle. Like I said, I try to stay busy by walking around and going to Grant Park or something.

I guess that's it for now my friends and fans. See you soon mah dudes.

Don't forget to love each other. The world is a scary place and we must all take care of one another.

My Reccomendations:

FLEABAG on Amazon
This is some of the most genius writing I have ever heard. It's only two seasons (12 episodes) and they don't plan on making more. It's hilarious and heart wrenching at the same time. A 10/10 from me.

ALL EYES ON US on Netflix
Y'all if you want to get emotional and see some ridiculously amazing performances, watch this baby. It's nominated for a million Emmy's so don't you want to see what all the hype is about? Try not to fall in love with Jharrel Jerome after watching this bad boy. Ava DuVernay is a GENIUS.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

So...you're not going to camp this summer?

I've got things to say.

This is the first summer in 13 years that I will not be driving 6 hours to Kalkaska, Michigan and spending 3 months on Manistee Lake.

It's weird for me. Mostly because my mindset hasn't shifted to summer. The shift is usually very easy. Switching off school mode and moving into up north delight. Well this year I'm not playing basketball on the back boys court. I'm not running programs in the barn. I'm not canoeing across the lake. I'm not riding around at 1am with a walkie talkie. I'm not screaming cheers in the messhall at the top of my lungs. I'm not spending my days off on the lake with 12 other staff members. I'm not driving up and down the dirt road every night to dance with my friends at the Ole Soul. I'm not laying on the athletic field gazing up at the bright stars and listening to the wind roll over the leaves.

This summer is about me. Although I would love to be sitting on the beach of Traverse City and walking around the shops in Petoskey, sometimes things must change.

Last year I left camp abruptly. In the middle of the residential session I decided to transfer schools and go home to prepare for my new start. It happened so quick that I barely had time to process and say goodbye to people. I got text messages hours later from staff members saying that they've been so busy cleaning and moving luggage that they were just informed that I left. The people in charge weren't very thrilled with my lack of notice. But I went to camp that summer with every intention of going back to MSU in the fall so I didn't expect this either.

I was in tears saying goodbye to my friends and to my home away from home. I knew that that would be it for me. Maybe a few visits here and there but in terms of my camp career, it was over. I went to the owners office to give him a hug and say I'm sorry for starting a kerfuffle. He hugged me back and said, "I hope it's worth it".

Those 5 words circled in my head for the next 6 hours during my drive home. When I pulled up in Buffalo Grove, I immediately fell to tears in my moms arms. I was sad to leave camp and my friends, but I was also sad the way I left. It needed to happen. I needed to prepare for my new city life and education at art school. But it was sad.

"I hope it's worth it".

Oh it was.

I shouldn't have even been at camp last summer. I realized what I wanted was to be up north. What I wanted was to go on a hiking trip. Well I went up north in the middle of May and came back from hiking Pictured Rocks in the middle of July. I had done what I wanted to do. I had already been thinking about quitting during the middle of the sessions so leaving didn't feel too surprising to me. I was supposed to get sinus surgery and go to Israel. When both fell through, camp was the only option.

Leaving was worth it. I adequately prepared for the fall semester at a new school and now I am doing pretty well. Starting my first summer not at camp. Per my previous post, I am currently taking 2 classes, have a job, and an internship. Well I just scooped up another internship so I am a BUSY bee. Everything that I'm doing this summer has something to do with what I hope to be doing in the future. And I'm pretty stoked about it.

I find myself constantly thinking about Lori's mac and cheese, buddy tags, and squeaky bunk beds. I'm thinking about crazy creeks, all day programs, camper/counselor hunt. I'm thinking about Mini the Mermaid, the Cannibal King, 104, and OY VEY those Tanuga boys. I'm thinking about taps talks, silent walks, girls initiation, arguing with Geneva, and kids waking up to a spray painted t-shirt on their beds. I'm thinking about campfires, medallions, feathers, and dying my hair with kool-aid. I'm thinking about rainy days, Heavy Weights, Gaga in the barn, and the goat that ate three red shirts right off the line.

I'm thinking about memories, community, and traditions. What I think about the most is the people. The campers and the staff. Missing a whole summer of new staff is not sitting with me well. During my off summer in 2014 I went to visit and I felt so lost. There were so many new faces that were having the camp experience and I didn't get to witness it. It hurts the heart a bit.

But I'm glad I have something in my life that makes leaving it so tough. I'm glad I have something in my life where almost everything I see reminds me of a memory or a person.

In Tina Fey's book "Bossypants", she said that some of the best advice she's every gotten was to "write what you know".

I know Camp Tanuga. I know the good times, the bad times, and the people and experiences that have changed me forever. I intend on using them to create something that I'm proud of. Something that will put a smile on your face.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


And just like that. The grades are in, the items are moved out, and the sun has been shining. That's a wrap on my junior year of college and first year at Columbia College Chicago. I also finished up my semester internship at a production company and it was a blast. I am pumped to move forward.

It has been a wild one and I thank all the brave souls who have been along for the ride with me.
So what's next? What am I doing here?

Well, loyal readers, I'm spending the summer in the city. I'm a bit nervous because I have never had a Chicago summer but I am excited nevertheless. I am taking two classes so that I'll be able to graduate on time. I cannot WAIT to be done with school. I am so over grades and being in class. I just want to jump into the world and succeed or fail without a letter mark.
I posted this picture on Instagram for the 20th anniversary of 10 Things I Hate About You and the WRITER commented on it and followed ME. WHAT A DREAMMM.

On top of the TWO classes, I also have a job AND an internship. I work as a hostess at iO Theater and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I wanted to be there more and be around improv so things are going great. Also, I need some cheddar cheese in my pockets. My internship is with the Chicago Comedy Film Festival.  I'm not 100% sure what it entails yet because I have my orientation on Monday but I believe I will be watching movies and rating them. WHAT A PAIN, RIGHT?!?! I'm really excited that I'm doing things that involve the comedy scene in Chicago and look forward to the work I do and the learning experiences.

I'll also be continuing my improv classes and hopefully picking up the writing class in the next term.

Essentially, I'm trying to keep busy. I'm trying to gain experience and knowledge so that when I leave the comfort of an academic institution, I feel ready to take on the next chapter.

I have a few other things on my list for this summer. The first is to walk around more and explore the city. I've lived right next to Chicago my entire life and feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of all its glory. My goal is to find fun (and hopefully free) things to do and explore! Additionally, I plan to write in my free time. I have a couple ideas in my brain that I want to get down on paper and write into sketches or even pilots. The more I write the better I'll be, but I can't get any better if the ideas stay circulating in my mind. I intend on write A LOT. Scripts, short stories, poems, etc...

I haven't worked at iO very long but when asking me about myself everyone asked if I "do comedy". I don't do comedy. I want to do comedy and I want to be comedic. I take improv classes and my goal is to do comedy professional but the answer is no. I don't "do it". Well maybe I should start. No one is funny right off the bat. It takes a bit to get used to it and find your rhythm. One of my coworkers told me I should just do it. That its never too early to start and you can start by just performing something in front of your friends and family. I've bee working on a stand up bit and it needs some tweaking but maybe I'll be able to perform it sometime this summer. YOU GOTTA START SOMEWHERE.

And you know, Lorne Michaels isn't gonna hire me if I don't produce content. Pete Davidson was hired when he was 19 so I like to keep that in the back of my mind.

Anyway, I'm also waiting to hear back from Semester In LA. The program where I can spend an entire semester studying in LA, next spring. Fingers crossed.

People keep asking me what I want to do and what my endgame is. Well, I want to make people laugh. In the future, the goal is to be writing  or producing a Sitcom or sketch show. But after graduation, I don't care what I'm doing as long as it has something to do with the entertainment industry and making people laugh. I'll work as a waitress, a barista, a whatever in order to make ends meet just as long as I can also be a PA or intern or ANYTHING that contributes to a program, performance, podcast, etc.., that puts a smile on someones face. Pay your dues.

That's it. That's the goal in life. That's what would make me happy. That's what I think I'm good at and that is all I want to do. It might seem silly. It's not very secure but I'm not a quitter and I'm not one to settle for something that isn't my dream.

I intend on accomplishing my goals and doing great things. I hope you'll all be along for the ride with me. It's all about who you know and what you can do. I know a lot of people, and I know I can do whatever I set my mind to.

I'm excited for this summer and for what the future holds.
jUsT gEt Me OuT oF sChOoL!!!


Go watch The Umbrella Academy on Netflix and LetterKenny on Hulu. BIG fan of these two.

ALSO WINE COUNTRY ON NETFLIX YOU GUYSSSS. Support female comedians and female directors!! It's also an EXCELLENT film!!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

This is getting RIDICULOUS

Okay people, let me talk about my support system because I think there's a fluke. In case you are unaware of what has been going on, I transferred schools to study television. BUT not only that. I transferred schools to study television writing and producing, to live in Chicago and gain experience and knowledge to become a comedian. A COMEDIAN. Like someone who writes, produces and performs comedy to make people laugh...FOR A LIVING.

So, a normal and sane support system/family would find this bonkers. What did I expect? I expected my friends to be like okay cool good luck. We all know you like TV and want to make people laugh but like, what? You know, like practical people. I expected them to support me because I'm their friend but to role their eyes because a comedian (????) isn't practical. They would believe in me nonetheless but wouldn't be surprised if I end up in a cubicle, making my coworkers chuckle at the water cooler with a joke about how our boss' hair looks like he jumped out of an *NSYNC music video. 

TO MY SURPRISE, my friends actually believe I am funny! LIKE WHAT?!?! How do I know this? Because they think I can succeed and achieve my dreams. A friend of mine said they are waiting to see my name in the credits of SNL and even introduced me to someone by saying, "this is Lindsey, she's gonna be famous". Like holy shit people. It's a fluke! I'm telling you! Also, when I told my friends I was transferring schools, ALL of them told me I should do it because I won't get what I need at Michigan State. I kid you not, every single person (except one but that's okay because she just wanted me to stay close to her, selfish. Kidding ily) said I need to leave so I can gain the knowledge and experience to reach my goals. And to this day they ask me what's new and how things are going. They say things like, "I can't wait to see you on TV", and "Stop being funny I can't concentrate on my work". That last one is entirely true. Just ask my roommate. 

Also people I barely know have told me that they think that my dreams are 100% achievable. I gave a speech in my public speaking class the other day where I had to pretend I'm being interviewed for something. My audience? The writers room at SNL. I gave me speech and this girl who has sat next to me this entire semester said TO MY FACE, and IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS, "I would hire you. You have the personality and skills that show you're a great person to work with and that you know your stuff".  THEN, when I sat down she said to me, "you'll work for SNL one day. I'm positive". LIKE HOW DO YOU KNOW?? IT'S ONLY MY DREAM. But if I could *dazzle* one person with my personality then I can *dazzle* Lorne Michaels. Right?? AND THEN it happened again. Two days ago when I was visiting the MSU Hillel, I met a freshman and started talking to her. My friend said to her, "she's gonna be on SNL one day". THEN the girl says TO MY FACE, "Oh yeah I can see that". EXCUSE ME?!?!?! YOU CAN SEE THAT? Just by the 5 minute conversation we've had? This is the *dazzle* that I'm talking about friends. IT'S A FLUKE I TELL YOU.

But the real kicker is the support I get from my FAMILY. This is how I KNOW something is up. My family is WAY too supportive of me changing my life to become a comedian. There is NO WAY that an average, Jewish-American family would be this supportive of me wanting to do comedy FOR A LIVING. I mean shiiiiitttt. Everyone knew I wasn't gonna be a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer. I wasn't gonna do something that really racked in the big bucks. That's not my style and I get bored easily. To tell my family that I wanted to not only work for television, BUT that I WANTED to ~struggle~ to become a comedian, I sounds insane. I was expecting my Nana to give me the look. Like, "Lindsey! I hope you know what you're doing". BUT NO. What did she do? She was EXCITED for me. She smiles every time we talk about my "new" life and even LAUGHS at my jokes. I know I should've given her more credit because I am the *favorite* grandchild (sorry Syd, Jon, and Matt. You know it's true) and I could do no wrong. But I guess I just expected the reactions to be like the movies. Oh you want to be a comedian? Well, good luck with that. It's hard. And all LIKE DO YOU WANT TO GIVE YOUR PAPA A HEART ATTACK?!?! Everything is fine though. The support is RIDICULOUS. A FLUKE.

Do't get me started on my parents and sister (they deserve a new paragraph). First of all, my sister tells all her friends about how funny I am and how I'm gonna do big things. It's a lot of fucking pressure man. BUT I LOVE IT. Because I am funny!!(??) I am gonna do big things!! I am going to let her stay in my guest house whenever she wants!!! Then there's my PARENTS. (Lainie and Bini, for the new fans) No parent wants their kid to become a comedian. Don't listen to what anyone tells you. This is how I know something is not right in the system: my parents not only support me becoming a comedian, but they encourage me and find every opportunity for me to gain more knowledge and skills. FLUKE. I wanted to sign up for improv classes at iO. (LEVEL 2 BABBAYYYY) Both of my parents are all for it and call me after class every week to ask how its going and if there are any other classes I wanted to take and that I should sign up for them ASAP. EVERY WEEK PEOPLE. I want to move to LA and (hopefully) work for late night TV and practice doing stand-up. What do they say? GO FOR IT. Go for it? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! My own parents! A FLUKE!!!

But here's the thing... I cannot thank the people in my life enough for the amount of love and support I get. Achieving your dreams is hard. Especially when your dreams seem impossible. But the amount of encouragement and determination I get from my friends and family is ridiculous. They seem to think I can actually do it. And you know what? I KNOW I can do it. I know that one day my whole family will join me on the red carpet for some event. I know that my friends will be there holding my hand during the countless rejections I'll receive. I know that my sister will bring all her friends to my stand-up debut. I know my parents will sell the house and move into my guest house even though they don't like California. I know that my best friend will be there to pick out my clothes for every important event because she has more style then I will ever have. Most importantly, I know that the people who believe in me will be the reasons that I one day live my dream. 

Because I know I can do it. And I KNOW that everyone in my life is along for the ride.
So, thank you.

Currently OBSESSED with the musical SIX. It's coming to Chicago this summer and the soundtrack is amazing and I can't stop listening. Check it out.

Also, QUEEN Aidy Bryant just released a series on Hulu called Shrill. It's an amazing ode to big girls everywhere and everyone should watch it because it is such an important story about self-love and self worth.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Things and Stuff

How are things? Well things are going pretty well my dear friends. I'm starting to feel like I'm being prepared for the real world. As in, I am currently working on projects that will be created and that you, my fans, can see! How exciting?!?!

So what's the haps Lindsey?


To begin, I am an improv student at iO theater in Chicago and I absolutely LOVE every second of it and I think I'm already getting better! I'm definitely learning a lot and the people in my class are so fun and supportive. Every week I look forward to this class and I get to see shows for free so that's a plus. I enjoy performing on stage and I think it's important in the field I'm trying to go into that I understand things from a performers perspective. That way I can write and produce effectively. So that's super fun and I cannot wait for Level 2!

I also have a production internship this semester. It's every Friday and so far so good! I've already been to two shoots. The employees are so nice and really want to teach me things. They take the time to tell me whats what when we're setting up equipment or editing footage. Last week I cleaned and organized one of the file cabinets so I'm really showing them my skills. It's very helpful and entertaining to experience how real production works and it's especially awesome when surrounded by great people!


Hold on folks we're getting there!

First, I have recently met with an advisor in order to pick up a journalism minor. I took SO many classes at MSU and I wanted them to count for something. The journalism department was so nice and I only need to take ONE journalism class at Columbia in order to get the minor! I'm excited too because I think the class I'm gonna take is about writing critiques about the arts. So like plays, exhibits, performances, etc... That's super cool and not something I was able to do at Michigan State so I'm looking forward to it!

Alrighty, let's get to my classes.  We are taking 15 credits this semester. 3 of those credits are coming from my internship. I only have class Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9am-3:20pm on both days.

OMG Lindsey you have so much extra time.

Improv for 3 hours Monday
Class from 9am-3:20pm Tuesday
Class from 9am-3:20pm Wednesday
Internship from 9am- 5:30pm Friday

My friends the majority of the work in my classes is done outside of class. We learn things in class and have to do them outside of class. Things like paper work, shoots, and editing.

So no, I do not have SO much extra time. Especially when I try and get to bed by 11 every night so I can wake up earlier, eat, do my homework, any errands, clean the apartment (which needs to happen a lot), and still have time to just chill and watch Hulu. I'm actually stalling right now. I should be reading and if I was going by the schedule I have created for myself then I would be but I felt it was time for an update and i just answered a bunch of emails so this is my reward.

I have a class called The TV Producer. This is my hardest class this semester and takes up the majority of my time...and its only week 4. I love this class though. My instructor knows her stuff and I enjoy going to her class every week. Sure, I get anxiety about turning things in because the guidelines and requirements are so specific and if you forget anything then you get a 0 on it BUT, when I physically go to the class and learn I enjoy it. We are currently working on 2 things. The first is that we're learning to budget for a production. Numbers are not my thing but theres an application that does all the math for you. I'm having trouble deciding what to budget for. I don't know all the crew positions yet or what exactly goes into a production so I find that I am leaving things out. That's okay though because I'm still learning! The other project that we are working on are promotional videos for clubs at Columbia. We all had to give a pitch to the rest of the class and 3 pitches were voted on out of the 15.
And guess what my friends...YOUR GIRLS PITCH WAS CHOSEN. Yes ladies and gents, The TV Producer class will be making a promotional video for Columbia College Hillel. :) The first thing that one of my group members said to me when we all got together was "just so you know, I'm not Jewish." So this is going to be an amazing journey for all of us. I'm just happy that people felt I pitched it well enough to make and that I get to help Hillel! Lots of paperwork is being done and I'm drowning in it but its a goo drowning.

My next class begins 40 minutes after The Television Producer and I have to book it to the next building. I usually hang back a couple minutes to ask questions and end up sweating when I get to my next class.

This one is fun too! It's called Oral Expressions, which is just a fancy way of saying public speaking. The same day I pitched my Hillel video, I gave an informational speech in this class. What was I giving my informational speech about? I was informing my class about the many life lessons that we are taught from The Breakfast Club. And it was a HIT. I wore my TBC shirt and talked about different quotes from the movie. The instructor didn't even tell me anything work on because he was so impressed by the way I outlined the speech that he went on a tangent telling the class about how I took such a broad topic and made it into a 5 minute speech and yada, yada, yada. It was quite a confidence booster.

Fast forward to my Wednesdays, I have Production and Editing II and TV Arts: Writing.  Our work in P&E correlates to our work in Writing and since we haven't really written anything...we haven't done too much.  BUT today was another good day. Our first assignment is to adapt a story we were given and we chose whose out of the class that we're going to produce. I was chosen as the producer of my group and I'm actually very excited to be able to organize this piece. One of my good friends wrote and I think its going to be really good! BUT something else happened. The project after the adaptation is a web series. We had to pitch a 3-5 episode series to the rest of the class and vote on them. We picked 2 to produce. AND HELLO, my idea was chosen! We're making my web series! I'm really happy about it because I liked my idea. I would've been okay if we didn't do it but I gotta admit...I'm REALLY excited. :)

My homework this weekend is to do a few pages of the Hillel production binder and to complete the adaptation production binder. I also have book reading to do too. It might not seem like too much but being a producer is all about paying attention to detail and being organized. I feel I have things pretty under control and I have some time tomorrow and all day Saturday and Sunday to work on them. It's gonna take me a while but it's nothing I can't handle.

What else is up, Lindsey???

I'm going to East Lansing for part of my spring break and then flying to Texas to stay with the Sweet Sister Syd!! I'm so pumped to see my friends and then spend some quality time down south with my best friend. The weeks leading up to break are going to be hectic so I'm already looking forward to some time away.

Especially since your girl is gonna be living in the city this summer!! I have to take summer classes and am planning on having a job. I also hope to continue my improv classes. This will be the first summer in 13 years that I spend at home. It's weird to think about and it makes me feel a little uneasy but like I said before, nothing I can't handle.

I found a new playlist on spotify that I can't stop listening to. It's called It's ALT Good. Makes me happy and I'm listening to it now so it's on my mind.

OH. My friend Michala and I are currently in the EXTREMELY early stages of writing a play! We have some general ideas but still need to flush them out. But you know, Rome wasn't built in a day. ;)

Not much else going on. Just started the semester and I feel like I've been in these classes my entire life. It's February already which means we are almost to the end! Also, I turn 21 soon and I don't care. My birthday is on a Tuesday and I have class the next day so whatever. I also don't like to drink so it's just another year. I am excited that I can actually go to fun bars with my sister and friends. That'll be cool.

Okay cool cats, that's about it from me.  Some TV recommendations:

The Kids Are Alright
This show is on ABC and is hilarious. I never watch it live but I love every episode. There are so many characters that even for every 1 that you find annoying, you'll find 2 that you love. Highly recommend checking it out.

Inside Amy Schumer
I usually am not her biggest fan but I just binge watched this on Hulu and loved it. I love sketch shows and female comedians so this was a great combination for me.

The Masked Singer
I hate how much I enjoy this show. But wow I love it so much and wait for it to come on every week. And BTW, I was right with Tori spelling too, Dr. Ken.

Russian Doll
If you enjoy great television than this is for you. A Netflix original that is beautifully done and the plot keeps you on your toes. I don't want to say much else because you should really just watch it.

See ya on the flippity flop!!!